Chapter 13

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(Video is optional but it is a good one)

Alec POV

I wrapped a towel around Clary and then myself after we stepped out of the shower. I changed into my pyjama trousers and climbed into bed with no top as Clary put on her shorts and t shirt and joined me.

"Night Fray" I said kissing her forehead "love you"

"Love you to Lightwood" she replied before resting her head on my chest and wrapping her arms around my me. I put my arms around her waist and pulled her closer. We were both about to fall asleep when the door opened and I saw Max standing there with puffy red eyes.

"What's wrong Max?" I asked worried about what he was doing up at this hour

"I had a nightmare and no one is awake except you and Clary" he said looking scared

"Tell us what happened Max you can stay with us tonight" Clary said and she patted the bed gesturing for Max to come sit on the bed

I kissed Clary on the cheek before we shuffled apart to let Max sit in the middle.
Max closed the door before climbing into the bed between me and Alec.

"Tell us what you dreamed Max" I said so he told the story

"You all I went on a mission to kill Valentine and I was all alone in the institute and there was one to help me" Max said a tear falling down his cheek. Clary quickly wiped it away

"Max look at me" I said and he tilted his head up

"You will never be alone okay, everyone in this institute will protect you and me and Clary will always look after you" I said

Max turned to look at Clary and she gave him a big hug

"We are always here for you Max if you ever need anything you come to me and Alec. And remember you will always have you parents, Izzy and Jace. Just don't eat anything Izzy gives you" she said ruffling his hair and he laughed a little.

"Now let's get some sleep" I said and both Clary and Max nodded​ so we all drifted to sleep.
Clary POV

I woke up the next morning to the sound of sirens blaring. I quickly shot out of bed as did Alec. I glanced at Max who was now awake

"Go, I'll take Max back to Maryse" I said

Alec nodded "be careful, I love you" he said and kissed my cheek

"I love you to" I said before Alec ran out down the corridor and I quickly took Max to my room.

"Max wait here" I said as he sat on my bed and nodded

I quickly went into the bathroom changed into my shadowhunter gear and walked out.

"Clary what's happening" Max said sounding worried as I put some knives in my boot with my stele.

"Its okay Max we'll protect you now let's go find your parents" I said and took his hand in mine.

We quickly ran to Mayrse's room and knocked on the door. Robert opened the door

"Max thank God, thank you for bringing him back Clary, now go help the others" I nodded and started walking out of the room

"Max we're taking you back to Idris, its not safe here right now" Robert said

"But Clary, Alec.." He said turning around and running towards me

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