Chapter 4

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Alec POV

I was sitting on my bed talking to Magnus when my door burst open and Clary stood there with tears streaming down her face. She looked so upset and I immediately leapt off the bed as did Magnus and we both hugged her hard

"Biscuit what's wrong?" Magnus said as she silently sobbed, soaking my t-shirt

I closed the door as Clary pulled away and looked up at me and Magnus, explaining everything that just happened

Magnus POV

I watched Alexander's face as Clary told her story and his expression was filled with rage and sadness. When she burst through the door crying he looked distraught and I knew then that my boyfriend was in love with Clary. He never looked at me like that but I wasn't mad, I just wanted Alexander to be happy

Alec POV

As Clary told me everything that happened and how she saw Jace and Kaelie, I felt anger boiling up inside me

"I'm gonna kill him" I shouted as Clary finished talking

She sat on the edge of my bed with her eyes red and puffy and mascara smudged. Suddenly Magnus spoke up

"Alexander may I speak to you outside for a moment"

I turned to look at Clary and she gave a little nod gesturing for me to go with Magnus

"I'll be back soon" I told her as I followed Magnus outside. I closed the door

Magnus POV 

I decided to break up with Alexander because I knew how he felt about Clary. It was clear in his eyes so I thought it was better to do it now than string him along and make it harder for myself too

"Alexander I think we should break up" I said quietly aware that Clary would hear us if we talked too loudly

He looked down at me with his big blue eyes and said "what why?"

I took a deep breath in and replied "Alexander I see the way you look at her, you're in love with Clary aren't you?"

Alec looked down at his feet and gave a small nod as he started talking "I'm sorry Magnus I would have told you earlier. But I really did like you and I  wasn't sure how I felt and she was with Jace and..."

I put my hand up to silence him. "Alexander look at me"

Alec looked up as I said "I'm not mad at you or Clary, I want you both to be happy and she needs you now more than ever I hope we can remain friends"

"Of course we can be friends" Alec looked at me with a sad smile on his face

"Good bye Alexander. You can always call me if you need anything"  I said as I hugged him

"Good bye Magnus" he said as he hugged me back and I portaled back to my apartment

Alec POV

I was sad that Magnus left but he was right.

I was in love with Clary Fray.

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