Chapter 15

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Clary POV

I stepped through the portal and ended up in a dark looking room with a shadow moving towards me. He stepped into the light.

"Clarissa my dear sister I didn't think you would come"

"Sebastian" I spat

"Now now Sister,you remember your father don't you" he said as Valentine stepped forward

"Valentine" I said looking at him

"I prefer dad" he said smiling

"You will never be my father and you will never be my brother as far as I'm concerned my only family is my mother and everyone at the institute" I said glaring at both of them

"You mean that Lightwood boy? He'll never find you. You will stay here with me forever" Sebastian sneered as I was hit on the back of the head and suddenly the room started spinning

"Come soon Alec" I whispered before I felt myself falling and everything went black
Alec POV

After reading Clary's note I quickly got changed and woke up everyone up

"Alec what's wrong" Jace said as Izzy, Maryse, Jocelyn and Luke walked behind him

"Clary's gone, she gone with Sebastian, she left a note we have to go we have to save her we have to.."

"Alec slow down" Izzy said "go grab something of hers we can use to track her everyone else get changed quickly and grab all weapons we don't know how many people Sebastian has fighting for him"

I nodded and ran to Clary's room. I quickly looked around for a few minutes and noticed her sketchbook in the corner so I grabbed it and ran back to the others who were now in the ops center armed and ready.

Everyone turned around and saw me

"Use you parabatai tracking its stronger" Luke said and i nodded as Jace came forward. I held Jace's hand with Clary's notebook in between and concentrated. I saw a house but the image quickly faded.

"Jace concentrate"

"Sorry" he replied and we tried again.

After a few minutes I felt something.

"We got her she's in a small cabin near lake Lynn" I said

"Idris?" Izzy said

"Of course Valentine used to bring me there when I thought he was Michael Wayland." Jace replied

"Then let's go" a voice said from behind

"Magnus, thank the angel you came" Izzy said

"Of course I would do anything to save biscuit" he replied and created a portal

"Let's go save my daughter" Jocelyn said and we all stepped through the portal
Clary POV

I woke up on a bed and took a minute to take in my surroundings. I was on a bed in the center of the room with a small desk and wardrobe. There was a little carpet on the floor and everything else was wooden. I think it was some sort of cabin. Sebastian had taken my weapons but didn't bother checking my boots so I still had my stele and a small dagger concealed. I looked out of the window and saw...
...a lake?

I was about to try and break the window when the door opened

"Clarissa you're awake, not trying to escape are you?" Sebastian said smirking

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