Chapter 16

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I apologize in advance as this chapter is quite long but it is the last chapter. It is a bit cheesy but I hope you enjoy the last chapter and thanks for reading my first fanfic :)

1 week after defeating Sebastian

Alec POV

It had been a week since Clary had defeated Sebastian and everything was back to normal. Of course we still went on missions to defeat demons but life felt calmer which is something shadowhunters hadn't felt in a long time and it was all down to my little red.

We were currently cuddled up on the sofa in the library watching school of rock on Clary's laptop. She was shocked when I said I hadn't seen it so naturally we had to watch it. It was about half through the film when she had started to fall asleep and her head resting on my shoulder.

"Let's get you to bed little red" I whispered as I kissed Clary's head. She smiled and nodded before slowly getting up and walking to my room. I grabbed the laptop from the sofa and followed Clary to my room. I set the laptop on my desk as Clary went to the bathroom. I grabbed some clothes out of my draw for Clary. She still had her own room but most of her stuff including her clothes were in my room now. I put them on the bed as she walked out of the bathroom and yawned. I couldn't help but stare she was beautiful and she was all mine from her bright green eyes to her cute little yawns.

I quickly went into the bathroom took a quick shower and changed into a clean pair of boxers. Clary was already in bed falling sleep so i quickly slid in next to her. I turned to lie on my side so I was facing her.

"Hey Clary, love?"

"Hmmm" she replied with her eyes closed

"Do you see a future with me?" I asked and she suddenly she opened her eyes

"Of course I do Alec, why do you ask"

"Umm I don't know I guess I just umm...." I trailed off not knowing what to say without arousing suspicion

Clary ran a hand through my hair before placing it on my cheek

"The only thing I see in my future is you Alec, what I told you the night before Sebastian, I meant every single  word. I love you, always and forever"

"I love you too little red" I replied and kissed her.

"Please shut up now I'm tired" Clary said and I gave a little laugh as she moved closer and buried her head in chest

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