Chapter 9

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"Jace we need to talk"


Clary POV

Jace nodded and stepped aside so I could enter his room. I sat down on the edge of his bed "Jace I'm gonna tell you something and I need you to promise me that you won't overreact"

Jace POV

Clary sat on the edge of my bed and said "Jace I'm gonna tell you something and I need you to promise me that you won't over react"

I nodded at her but before she could start talking I had to say something

"Clary I'm so sorry for what I did and it meant nothing and I hope you can forgive me and take me back I'm so sorry I need you in my life please"

She stood up and I looked up at her

"Jace I forgive you but I can't take you back that's what I want to talk about"

I looked up at her confused before realizing she had already moved on

"Who is he?" I asked gritting my teeth as anger started to fill me up. I had an idea who it was but I was hoping it wouldn't be him

"Please don't be mad" she said

"Who. Is. He?" I said more forcefully annoyed that she had moved on so quickly. She was supposed to be mine

"Alec" she whispered before looking down at the ground

"WHAT" i yelled glaring at Clary. I was so angry. I knew it was him! How dare she leave me for my parabatai! She is mine and i must get her back. She looked up at me and before she could speak i kissed her forcefully. She pushed me off

"What the hell Jace, you cheated on me and i am not going to come crawling back just because you kissed me!" Clary shouted at me

"Just admit you still love me Clary you can't be with Alec he's.. he's my brother, i felt something when we kissed and i know you did to"

"No Jace i don't love you. I did but then you slept with someone else and everything we had was gone. I was hoping we could move past this and be friends but obviously not" she snapped and walked out of the room.

Clary POV

I walked out of Jace's room angry. I can't believe he thought he could kiss me!

Alec POV

I heard shouting coming from Jace's room and was about to go and check Clary was okay when the shouting stopped and Clary walked in looking like she could kill someone.

"Hey what happened" i said wrapping my arms around her, She was stiff at first but then i felt her relax into my embrace

"Jace got mad that i left him for you even though he is the one that cheated on me and then he kissed me claiming that i still felt something for him when i don't, i love you" Clary said as she looked up into my eyes. "i promise he kissed me first and it meant nothing"

"I believe you" i said staring down at my red headed angel "and i love you to"

I was annoyed that Jace kissed MY girlfriend but i thought it was best to forget about it for now.

"why don't we go out and do something" i suggested "take our minds off Jace"

Clary nodded at me with a big grin on her face. "where do you want to go?"

"i guess I'm kinda hungry" Clary said

"Takis is it then" i said, why don't we ask Izzy to come she probably wants to catch up and gossip anyway"

Clary laughed and we walked into Izzy's room except she wasn't alone. We walked in to see Izzy on top of Simon both with their shirts off. They didn't notice us so we quickly closed the door and walked out of the institute as I shuddered. "I think I'm scarred for life" i said as Clary just laughed and smiled. I loved her laugh, her whole face lit up and glowed.
At takis

Clary POV

We were sitting in a booth opposite each other looking at our menus when the waitress came over. I still hadn't decided but Alec spoke anyway

"ready to order?" the waitress said playing with her hair and leaning towards Alec. I instantly glared at her. Alec was mine. Wait what? Since when was i this over protective.

"yes can we get two coconut pancakes and two chocolate milkshakes please" Alec said

"of course" the waitress said as she smiled at Alec and completely ignored me. She collected our menus and winked at Alec before sashaying off.

I turned to face Alec and he smirked at me. "what?" i asked innocently

"You're so jealous, you were glaring at her" Alec said with a big smile on his face.

"Well she was trying to steal you away, what if she succeeds?" i said quietly.

Alec quickly got up from his side of the booth and sat next to me. I looked down and started playing with my t-shirt

"Clary, love look at me" he whispered and lifted my head up biting my lip

"I love you and you only, no waitress or any other girl will change that, okay?" i nodded at him ad he kissed me on the lips before i turned and rested my head on his shoulder and he pulled me closer. He was so warm and smelled like cinnamon. Our food arrived and we both ate quickly and left.

Alec POV

"Well she was trying to steal you away, what if she succeeds?" Clary said quietly.

I quickly got up from my side of the booth and sat next to Clary. She looked down and started playing with her t-shirt

"Clary, love look at me" I whispered and she lifted her head up biting her lip. She only did that when she was nervous but it was one of the things i loved about her.

"I love you and you only, no waitress or any other girl will change that, okay?" she nodded at me and I kissed her on the lips before she turned and rested her head on my shoulder and I pulled me closer. She was so warm and smelled like vanilla. Our food arrived and we both ate quickly and left.

We walked with her hand in mine and headed towards the institute, it was already 11:30 pm. We carried on walking towards Clary's room but she turned to look at me with a confused expression as we didn't stop.

"where are we going" she whispered trying not to wake everyone else up.   "You'll see" i said

I lead her into the greenhouse as she gasped "Alec its wonderful" she said as she wondered around the garden taking in every single detail.

"I thought it would be a good place for us to be alone and you know you could probably get some inspiration for you drawings" i said as she ran back to me and hugged me tightly. "Its amazing" she said smiling and he face lit up again with a glow.

"It gets better" i said as we sat down on the floor and i pointed to the opened flowers. It had just reached midnight and the flowers started to open revealing a glowing inside with each petal opening out. I watched Clary's face as the glow of the flowers lit up her face making her look like an angel.

"they're beautiful" she exclaimed turning to look at me. She looked so happy. "Glad you like them" i said leaning in to kiss her. She leaned her head against my shoulder and after a few minutes she fell asleep

I carefully carried her back to her room and laid her on the bed tucking her underneath the covers. I was about to leave when she grabbed my wrist, her green eyes staring at me. "Stay" she said "Please"

I nodded and quickly threw off my t shirt and jeans as she moved over so i could slip into her bed. I laid down next to her as she snuggled closer resting her head on my chest with one arm around my waist and the other on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her waist as we both fell asleep.

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