Chapter 11

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Clary POV

It had been a week since we found about Sebastian and Valentine and everything was the same. We went out killed demons and came back. They hadn't made their move yet but everyone was still vigilant in case. Despite this we continued as normal and Alec had planned a date for us tonight.

I woke up to see his big blue staring at me at he played with a lock of curly hair. We slept in each others bed most nights but only sleep. Nothing else yet, I wasn't quite ready and Alec knew that. I rested my chin on his chest and looked up to face him.


"Morning love"he said stroking my cheek

"So what are we doing today?" I asked as Alec continued to play with my hair

"Well I can't tell that because it's a surprise but Izzy says she would help you get ready for tonight"

"Please tell me" I said pouting at him

He leaned in and kissed me hard. I tangled my hands in his hair he started peppering kisses on my neck until he reached my ear and in a low seductive voice whispered "I still can't tell you"

I pulled back as he smirked at me and leaned in again but was interrupted by the door opening.

Izzy stood with Max her hand covering his eyes

"Thank god your decent" she said as she took her hands off Max's eyes and he ran into the room crawling into the middle of the bed between me and Alec.
"Ugh Izzy there a thing called knocking maybe you should try it for once" Alec said lying back on the bed and ruffling Max's hair

"Yeah whatever I came to steal Clary we need to get you ready for tonight" Izzy said putting her hands on her hips

"Ughh 5 more minutes Iz please" I said hiding under the bed sheets

Izzy could tell I wasn't going to get up without a fight so she said "fine I will give you 10 minutes, come on Max"

"I want to stay here" Max said and I smiled at him

"Its fine Iz he can stay here for a bit"

She nodded and shut the door behind her.Max yawned so I pulled the cover over him as he fell asleep. I smiled as Alec gently leaned over Max and kissed me on the forehead

"Go back to sleep, love" Alec whispered so I did

Alec POV

I watched Clary tuck Max in as he fell asleep. She loved him like her own brother and he loved her to. I saw that she was still tired to so I kissed her forehead and told her to sleep. Soon I drifted to sleep as well
Clary POV

I was happily sleeping with Max and Alec for what felt like 2 minutes when Izzy swung the door open making a loud noise. All 3 of us woke up immediately.

"Izzy you said 10 minutes" I whined as I sat up

"Clary its been an hour" Izzy simply stated

"I came in after 10 minutes with Magnus to get you ready but all 3 of you were still sleeping and you looked to cute too wake up so we just took a quick picture and left"

"Oh" I said

"Wait you took a picture of us?" Alec said raising an eyebrow

"Of course big bro you 3 just looked adorable asleep together" Izzy said smiling "but right now I need to get your girlfriend ready for tonight so let's go Clary" Izzy said gesturing at the door.

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