Chapter 10

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Izzy POV

I was talking to Magnus about Jace and Clary when a portal opened and my dad stepped out with Max next to him.

"Izzy!" Max shouted as he ran up to me and i engulfed him in a hug.

"Hi Max" Magnus said standing next to me and Max smiled at Magnus

I walked towards my dad giving him a hug "I'm assuming mom told you what happened between Jace and Clary" i asked and my dad nodded

"I'm disappointed in him but if Clary can forgive him then so will I. Where is your brother i need to speak with him urgently, the clave have reason to believe that Valentine has resurfaced with Sebastian Verlac"

I quickly nodded " I think he is in his room i'll go get him" i said and my dad nodded before heading to the ops center.

I looked over to see Magnus using magic to make Max's hair go static whilst Max was laughing.

"Hey Max want to go see Alec" i said

"yeah can Magnus come?" he asked

"Sure if he wants to " i looked over at Magnus who smiled

"it would be happy to go and see Alexander and Clarissa to, i assume they are together" he said

We all headed down towards Alec's room and i opened the door but it was empty. Max with a confused expression on his face carried on walking with us to Clary's room.

I opened the door to see Clary and Alec holding tightly onto each other asleep. "Oh my god they're adorable" i whispered and quickly took about my phone to take a picture.

Magnus laughed quietly as they hadn't woken up yet so i whispered to Max "Why don't you wake them up?"

Max nodded and ran at full speed jumping on their bed startling both of them. Alec sat up fast seeing Max's face and smiling whilst Clary moved so fast she fell off the bed with a loud thump. She quickly got up to see Max, Alec, Magnus and I all laughing

"ha ha" she said sarcastically before hugging Max

"Alec ,ops center 5 minutes" i said as he nodded at me and i headed out of their room with Magnus.

Clary POV

I was fast asleep with Alec when something jumped on me and I scrambled to get up but rolled off the side of the bed. I quickly got up to see it was Max who had jumped on me and was now laughing along with Alec, Izzy and Magnus who stood at the door.

"ha ha "i said sarcastically before hugging Max

"Good to see you Max" i said ruffling his hair

I heard Izzy say" Alec, ops center 5 minutes" before walking out with Magnus.

"Clary Clary i finished reading them all" Max said whilst jumping up and down on the bed. The first time i met Max we discovered that we both loved Manga and i let him borrow as many as he wanted from the giant stack in my room.

Alec had already pulled his t shirt and jeans on while i was talking to Max.

"Hey Max why don't you go and find Izzy and Magnus and Clary and I will talk to you later" Max nodded and ran out of he room

I turned to look at Alec "I need to shower and change, meet in the ops center?" I said as he walked towards to door

He nodded and gave me a quick kiss whilst whispering in my ear "Maybe next time we can shower together love"

My face went bright red and I blushed as Alec smirked at me. He gave me a quick peck on the cheek before he left my room and i jumped into the shower.

I wrapped my towel around me, changed into my jeans and t shirt (outfit above), put my stele in my boot and headed down to the ops center.
Alec POV

I walked into my room quickly showered and changed then headed down to the ops center. I glanced around and noticed Clary wasn't there yet so I headed over to Izzy and my dad.
"Alec, good to see you son. The clave have informed us that valentine and Sebastian have resurfaced. As you are one of our best shadowhunters we want you to help and work with Jace."

"Am I allowed to go work with Clary instead, Jace and I aren't on the best terms right now"

"Of course just find out everything you can. He must be planning something, especially if he is working with Sebastian as well"

"Of course, I'll get right on it"

Clary POV

I headed too the ops center and saw Alec talking to his dad. I walked towards them as Robert finished talking. He smiled at me and walked out of the room.

"Hey what's going on?" I asked Alec as he gave me a quick kiss

"Sebastian and Valentine have resurfaced and we need to find out what they're planning" Alec said

My eyes widened. I may have only joined the shadow world a few months ago but I knew everything about Valentine and Sebastian include the fact that they were my family.

"But why resurface now it's been almost 20 years since the last uprising" I asked

"Because Valentine just found out that someone he can use exists" my mom said as she walked in

Alec and I looked at my mom confused

"Who?" I asked

"You. When I was pregnant with you only Luke knew. I didn't tell Valentine because he was getting worse by the day and if he knew another child was coming he would use you for his experiments. He has resurfaced because he just found out that you exist and he can use you to activate the soul sword and control the downworld"

"Wait how can Clary activate the soul sword" Alec asked

"Clary there's something I didn't tell you" my mom said "when I was pregnant with you Valentine experimented on me and injected me with angel blood. When you were born you had angel blood in you. Its why you learned how to train so quickly. It's why you can create runes and pull objects from paintings. The angel blood in you gave you powers including being able to activate the sword. Valentine and Sebastian will come after you"

"So Clary must be protected at all costs" Alec said looking at my mom

"Hey I can protect myself my training is improving everyday" I said "I can best Izzy now"

"We know Clary but I'm still worried about you" Alec said looking at me. I could tell he was worried because he actually called me Clary and not just love

"I'll be fine besides I have you and Izzy and my mom and everyone at the institute."

"Okay, love" Alec said as he kissed my forehead

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