Bath House ❤️

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The hotel was great. Koro~Sensei has great taste in traditional Japanese places. There is only a couple rooms for each gender so we were in groups of three or four. I was in a room with Karma, Isogai and Maehara. There were two sets of bunk beds. I took the bottom one with Karma on top and on the other one Isogai on the bottom and Maehara on top.

I put down my blue duffle bag with a huff and wipe my forehead. I swear I pack to much for a week away from home. One thing, I always sleep with is a small stuffed rabbit. I really can't sleep without it. It's almost like a comfort object. I see it on top of all my clothes and grab it out quickly and hold it to my chest. Karma appears behind me.
"What do you have their Nagisa?" He tries to peer over me to see what's in my hands. A shove him away stubbornly.
"Non of your business," I turn away and pout. He puts his head on my shoulder and his hot breath tickles my neck. I turn around quickly and put both my hands up to slap him then quickly realise my mistake. That bastard.

"Ooooooh so a bunny?" He holds it by one of its ears inspecting it.
"GIVE IT BACK!" I yell pouncing up to try and grab it from his hands. I'm too short. I stop and realise how loud I was and blush embarrassingly.
"Does little Nagi still sleep with toys?" Karma teases. As he let his guard down I quickly grabbed the rabbit and put it back in my bag. I just look away embarrassed. "Oh come on, it's a joke. Don't be mad at me," he looks at me with big eyes. I go inside my bag ignoring him and grab out the rabbit again and put it under my pillow. "Nagisa..." I can tell he is getting annoyed at me now. I just keep ignoring him to test his patience as pay back. He huffs and goes up to his top bunk and I just grab my book and read for a bit.

A while later, Koro~Sensei opens our door and peeks through.
"I'm glad your all here," he says getting our attention. "I want everyone to be gone through the bath house in the next hour before bed," then he closes the door and probably went to go and tell everyone else. I put my book down and then went through my bag to get my pyjamas and towel and start to head down to the bath house. Close behind me I can sense Karma...he is still annoyed at me.

Everyone was trickling in slowly and everyone had the decency to look away as they got in. In the 'pool' so to say, there was a shallow and deep end. I was the only one at the shallow end because I didn't want to get involved with a giant water fight. I take out my hair and put the ties on my wrist while a sink a bit deeper into the water so it's just under my shoulders in height. The tips of my hair were getting wet and absorbing the water it was in. Behind me I had my shampoo for later so my hair is clean, my mother makes me get the girly ones with weird scents so the day after I wash my hair I get all these weird looks. Karma would tease me about it and call me 'Nagisa~Chan' to annoy me and it works.

I could feel the water around me get very wavy and I could hear splashes and screams. Who's to bet that Karma started it. Why can't I just relax?
"Nagisa, come and join us," Karma wines. I shake my head and just block out the noise again. There was subtle splashing around me but nothing new. My hand was yanked under water and gasp breathing in water. When I came up I was struggling to stay afloat since and there was silence around me. I should of mentioned but I can't really swim. Karma grabbed both my arms and placed me on his lap. I wasn't aware where I was or what was happening, I just wanted to breath. I was coughing like crazy and after a minute I calm down.
"K-Karma..." I mumbled. Everyone was now yelling at Karma for his prank that was meant to be harmless. I had a headache now and was trying to tell them to stop. "St-stop..." I mumble. Karma notices and try's to say it was a prank and I'm fine. My headache was getting worse and I was fed up with everyone yelling. "SHUT UP! I'M FINE! NOW JUST DROP IT!" I scream. Everyone had wide eyes. "Karma can you please help me to the edge?" I ask him innocently. He nods and takes me to the edge. I grab my towel and get out, grabbing my shampoo and conditioner I head to the showers. I wasn't mad a Karma or anyone, it was the headache that really hurt.

After I finished my shower I head back to the room and no one else was here. I get quickly changed into my pyjamas. Look under my pillow to grab the rabbit and it wasn't there. I panicked a bit and checked under the covers and the bed and it wasn't there. Nononnonnono this can't be happening. I can't do anything without him. I start to hyperventilate and curl up in a ball and rock and back and forth. The door opens and Karma walks in his towel around his waist. He sees me on the floor and quickly comes over to me. He places me in his lap and whispers nice things in my ear and rocks me gently. He's dealt with my panic attacks before and he's really good at calming me down. My breathing slows down and I can relax more now.

He puts me against a wall while he gets changed into his pyjama pants. He looks over at my bed and sees the mess it's in and can tell what happened. He looks around the bed and climbs on top of it and looks down the side of it to see a rabbit. He grabs it and makes me lift my hands and see it. I gasp and grasp it tightly. There are tear stains on my cheeks and I'm just mumbling thanks to Karma. Karma picks me up and tucks me into bed while I snuggle into bed. I feel kind of cold. I hug the bunny tighter and got an idea. He starts to go up the ladder to his bunk but I grab his hand. "Stay," I mumble and he gives me a confused look then smirks. He comes down and climbs in bed with me. I wrap my arms around his torso with the bunny poking out between us and snuggle my face into the crook of his neck. He was slightly surprised at first the he wrapped his arms around my waist. We soon fell asleep in each others arms.


Isogai and I walk into the room chatting about stuff. As soon as we open the door, I call out to Karma and Nagisa.
"Sup guys! What's happening here-" Isogai covers my mouth and points to Nagisa's bed. I see him and Karma sleeping in the same bed AND CUDDLING! I have the best idea. "Yuuma, we could do that if you want," I tease him. He hits me arm and goes to get changed. Ha, jokes on him, I meant it.

Words: 1286

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