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"Good morning class, day will be another day of using your weapons. We will first be learning more English," another day of teaching the 3-5 class, another day of getting sharp pencils thrown at me. The way this classroom feels completely different compared to the 3-E class back in middle school. Their passions, hopes, dreams, actions, strength, weaknesses and everything about them.

There is similarities between some students and my old classmates. There is an older Fuwa, Rio, Okajama, Sugino and...Karma. He is a laid back person who is very sadistic. He is very smart but no where as near as the Karma I know. His name is Bencho. One of the more memorable students but I don't pick favourites...unlike Koro~Sensei. Bencho was the first person to really get under my skin, he came in after lunch and caught me off guard when he baited me with a double pencil attack. I was proud of him for something like that. He really was a little Karma.

There were groans across the classroom when mentioning English since not many of these kids were good at it. I grabs some chalk and face the board. I starts writing down some basic translation sentences from Japanese to English, keeping a high alert to make sure no one is planning anything sneaky. I hear some slight murmuring from behind but some thing really got my attention. It was the top English speakers in this class talking in English so everyone else wouldn't understand.

"I heard that Mr.Shiota is actually a murder," One said and I flinch. I am. I kill Koro-Sensei with my two hands and a knife.
"Yeah, he almost killed Sashiami at the beginning of the year," That was true. He approached me and held me up by the collar. He said he would kill me and I snapped. It's almost a reflex now when I hear that word.
"Oh, I found roomers that he was dating a famous actor," WHY DO THEY THINK I'M DATING KAYANO!?

I decide to play a little game with them.
"Do you know what I heard, two students spreading roomers and talking behind their teacher's back," I say in English. They both seam shocked that I heard them speaking and everyone else just were confused at my statement.
"Sorry Sensei," they apologised. I nod at them and go back to writing on the board.

I'm pretty loose in my class, I don't carry to many rules but there is one rule that doesn't need to be written or said after a predicament the beginning of the year.

"Shiota-Sensei, can I ask you something?" One of my students came up to me one day before class.
"Hmm? Sure," I replied simply.
"Why are you so short? You look like a junior high student," the room went cold and everyone went silent. A dark ora surrounded me as I pin him on to the chair and hold an old anti-sensei knife to his neck.
"I'm sorry, would you like to repeat that?" He was shaking and had a look of pure fear.
"N-no Sensei..." He stuttered out. I let him go and he rushed back to his desk.

Let's just say after that, no one said anything about my height.

When I go home after a long day of work, I am greeted with a clingy redhead saying how much he missed me.
"Nagisaaaaaaa~ I missed yooooou. I want cuddlessssssssss," he whines clinging to me. Karma gets off work a lot earlier then me so he left alone for a couple hours and I don't know what he video games or watch stuff on his laptop with his headphones in. I've come home to that a couple times and he is either on the couch in a blanket or in or bed. I don't really know what he's watching but it makes me a little curious. I don't want to bother him though, it might be embarrassing.

"After I mark all this homework," I try to leave to finish this work but he lifts me up and brings me over to the couch. He puts me in his lap and kisses my cheek.
"I'm helping you then," he says whilst pouting. I sigh at his stubbornness and get on with marking. While going through each, he would point out things I got wrong and put things into better words. It helped a lot and made it better for the students learning.

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