Dreams~ 💛

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Having a sleepover at Karma's house can lead to one of many things. Most of the time it is falling asleep together. Like watching a movie or sleeping in the same bed for...reasons. Is so nice sleeping with Karma, he is just like a warm human pillow and blanket at the same time. I could honestly fall asleep if a was cuddling with him at night. And I do so.

Right now we're on the couch, watching some T.V, I'm in Karma's lap like normal but I just don't feel right. Like, I would have a nice sleep here with him like normal. He grabs the remote and turns the T.V off. I tug on his shirt so he looks down at me. He gives me a tired and confused look. "Can we go back up to your room?" I ask him with a sympathetic look. He picks me up and I snuggle into his chest, getting comfortable there. He grips me slightly tighter as we go up the stairs to his room. He really does care about me.

As we get into his room, he gently sets me down on his bed and takes off his shirt and chucks it in the corn of his room and dives on me. I squeak as he starts pecking my neck. "K-Karma hahahahahahaha," I burst out laughing from his antics. I wrap my legs around his waist and turn him into his side facing me as he was into of me. I give him the biggest smile I can then he looks at me kindly and caresses my cheek. I smash my lips onto his. He melts into the kiss and I pull him closer using my legs wrapped around him, deepening the kiss. He bites my bottom lip asking for entrance and I let him explore my mouth. I moan as we fought for dominance. He explores my mouth and I moan even more as he does so. He has such a way to make me swoon.

We continue making out for a while then pull away for are. We are both covered in sweat and are panting heavily in each other's arms. Karma grabs the blanket we are on top of and yanks it out so we are underneath it. I snuggle closer into him and kiss him on the lips quickly. He gives me the sexiest look and I just couldn't hold it back anymore. I start making out with him again.

He starts to lift up my night shirt and and kisses along my chest and down to my waistline. He teasingly tugs on the hem on my boxers and I start to get inpatient. He pulls them down painfully slow and I snap back into reality for just a moment to cover myself up in embarrassment. He lifts my face up to his and smiles. Wait, he would tease me about this but he's just acting like what I want him too...what did he do? Did he break something without me knowing? All these thoughts cloud my head and I didn't notice that Karma was caressing my cheek in a comforting matter. My god I love him so much.

I realise that he is still wearing his pyjamas bottoms so I playfully tug on them and he smirks, getting the message. I start to pull them down and I am already hard. God Karma why do you make me feel this way. I rip off his pants and boxers and I swear I could of just came then. He brings me in for another deep kiss. I wrap my arms around this neck and I just want more. He grabs my member and I moan loudly. I close my eyes tightly and push deeper into the kiss. I pull away and go to look into his eyes and he was gone.

I'm just staring at my ceiling, in my bed, fully clothed, alone. I put my hands on my boxers and cringe at sticky stuff seeping through. I groan at this vivid dream I had. How am I going to face him after that? I'm probably a blushing mess. I lean over to my clock. It was six thirty, might as well get up.

I get changed out of those clothes and into my normal school clothes. I tie my hair up into pigtails and head down stairs for breakfast. There is a note on the bench.

'Dear Nagisa,
I went to work after you woke up.
Clean this house before I get home tomorrow night or else.
When I come home I expect to see you in a dress.
Love you Hun~

That is exactly what mom is like. Demanding and loving.

Once I finish getting ready I head out to see Karma leaning on a tree wait for me. I blush instantly, remembering the dream last night.
"Hey Nagisa, what's with the red face?" He strolls up to me cockily. I don't know what to say to him after what happened...even if he doesn't know.
"Eh...nothing nothing," I say waving my hand up and down. I new this would happened eventually, he is my boyfriend. He shrugs then grabs my hand. We walk to the train station and I'm just remembering every little detail from last night and glancing at Karma's face in fear.

Once the train arrives Karma drags me there to get a seat but there is only one left. Being the asshole that he is, he takes it and I'm left standing there like an idiot. A turn away from him. I feel hands wrap around my waist and pulling me back. I am now sitting on Karma's lap. His hands are around my waist and I'm blushing so much. The way he is touching me brings back moments of the dream.

We were walking up the mountain hand in hand. His hand is so soft, like the dream reminded me. We talked over at Karma's desk before school and I was blushing the whole time and no one said anything. The bell rings and I head back to my seat and pay attention to Koro~Sensei, taking a lot of notes while I do so.

The day went by so quick. I was walking down the mountain with Karma and I mentioned something about my mom not being home and he jumped at the idea of him coming over. I had to accept, I love hanging out with him. Maybe...I'll tell him about the dream there. I have to get this off my chest or he'll pry it out somehow.

Once we get there I go straight to the kitchen and do the dishes from this morning. Karma hugs me from behind and places his head on my shoulder as I do so. It's really comforting. I finish a while later and we sit on the couch together. We were schrolling pass movies and '50 Shades of Gray' appeared and I squirm uncomfortably and remember more details of the dream. Karma looks a bit confused but he didn't push the subject.

Hours pass of movies and dinner. They start to get ready for bed and Nagisa was thinking what happened the night before. Right here. Once they are in their pyjamas they hop into bed together. "Karma, can I tell you something?" I ask nervously. He looks at me and nods. I studded a bit before explaining the dream in light detail. At the end I'm a blushing mess explaining or even thinking something so lewd. He just cups my face and whispers in my ear:

"I can make that dream a reality~"

Words: 1279

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