Just Talk To Me ❤️+💚

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I rocked up to class late again to see everyone working on a work book. I glance over at Koro~Sensei. "Nice to see you here Karma. Just take a seat and complete pages five through ten," he states and gives me the booklet. I obviously walked in on math.

As I walked back to my desk and as I passed Nagisa I saw pain in his eyes as his mouth was tightly shut. What happens to him? I swear if one of those main campus asses hurt him. I glance at the sheets in the booklet. I'm meant to do this and I just sigh. I'll just do it later. I sneak out my DS and start playing Sonic Ninja.

The Bell goes and we head out to lunch. I grab Nagisa's arm as he's about to leave. He looks at me confused. "You look hurt, are you alright?" I asked him concerned. He scrambles to get a piece of paper about if his bag to write on it. 'I've just lost my voice, I'm fine' he scribbled down. I don't believe him.

When we sat down he only had a drink to have, a strawberry milk. He pierces the cap with the straw and quickly put it in his mouth. I look at him with a smirk. "Your enjoying that strawberry milk, aren't you?" I tease him. His face flushes red and he almost spits out his drink. I definitely hit a nerve. He squeaks and glares at me. "I thought you lost your voice?" He looks at me panicked but the bell rings and before I can say anything he bolted back to class. What his wrong with him.

Last session we have English with Professor Bitch and it was a speaking task. I saw Nagisa hand a note to her and she nodded at that. He's lucky he got away with this. We all had to say one sentence in English and to not repeat what the person before you said. There is a big flaw in this system but I didn't mid anyway.

When it got to my turn I just looked up at her and said "Why lie about loosing your voice, it's obvious your in pain," I said slyly. Nagisa was very good at English so he understood what I said and he was shocked and just looked away. Professor Bitch was just confused. "Karma, what does that mean?" I just looked at her and smiled.
"It wasn't aimed for you, don't worry your big tits over it," she looked at me angrily but went back to teaching.

After school I walked back with Nagisa to his house in awkward silence. I just couldn't understand why he wound talk with me. I can tell. We arrive at him house and he waves at me. "Not leaving yet~" I opened the door the door and his mother was standing at the kitchen with a smile on her face.
"Hey Nagisa, sweety, how was you day with your br- uh sore throat. I know how hard it would of been for you, without your voice and all," his mother said. "Oh and hello Karma, thank you for walking Nagisa home," she bows slightly at me.
"It was no problem Miss. I was coming here to help Nagisa in maths anyway," I state elbowing Nagisa who just nodded.
"That's great. Now you two get to studying and I'll be here if you need me," she says getting back to work in the kitchen.

I follow Nagisa upstairs to his room. Once he closes the door he punches my arm.
"Hey, what was that for?" I ask jokingly. He growls at me and sits at his desk. He gets out the workbook we were doing and points to page eleven then fifteen. So that's what we're are meant to do. 'Your lucky, I would of asked for your help any way' is what he wrote on some paper next to his book. "Come on, just talk," he shook his head and started doing maths.

He kept struggling though out and tried to get my attention by pulling my sleeve and when I looked over he was pointing at an equation. I would say 'speak up' as a joke and he would get even more annoyed at me. He really wanted to yell because of the difficultly of these question for him.

I could sense his heartbeat go up and his blood pressure rise. He was getting this tense over maths questions. That couldn't just be it...the pain in his eyes earlier that day. He must of gotten hurt. Like a broken tooth that he doesn't want anyone to see. "Just relax, you'll be fine." I say and put my hand on his back and calms down a lot. He looks at me and smiles, I'll take that as a thanks. We finish a while later and Nagisa flops onto his bed. "Did doing maths tire you out?" I heard a groan in response. "I'll see you tomorrow," I wave and I swear he was asleep.

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