Code Red ❤️

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Sometimes I feel as if I'm dying and going to stop breathing at any moment. Like if I would burst out in a loud scream and my life would end. I feel like I would get so stressed to the point of a heart attack and my heart would die in this battle of life and death. I would break out crying just because.

Other times I feel the need to be close to Karma and be close to him. Kiss him. Hug him. Love him. Only have me. I want him to touch me everywhere and I don't know why.

These feeling have been happening a lot recently and it's been hard to cope with them. It's embarrassing to talk to Karma about it but he's tried to help me as much as he can. He's let me vent and let me have these urges satisfied. We ended up making this code called 'Code Red'.

If I was ever feeling like that I would raise my hand to use the bathroom and then tap my desk three times before I leave. He would get up soon after and help me.

He would do this sometimes but it's usually to make out with me which I don't mind, he can't help it and so can I.

In the back of my mind I feel as if Koro-Sensei is getting suspicious of us but he hasn't brought anything up so we should be fine.
I was very wrong.

During the day I felt really horrible. I was getting stressed over the masses of homework I have and the assignments I haven't started and I knew I would fail. It was really getting to me and I don't know why. So I tapped on my desk before leaving class. I waited in the stall for a bit then Karma came in and I jumped into his arm as and started sobbing. We sat down against a wall and he had me in his lap rubbing circles on my back. I just cried and talked to him for about fifteen minutes and we walked out like nothing happened, hand in hand.

The look on everyone's face was just screaming 'you guys totally made out in the bathroom' but jokes on them, that was yesterday.

The bell went and we all started walking out of class when Koro-Sensei stopped us.
"Nagisa-Kun, Karma-Kun, I want you two to say after class for a chat," he stated lifting one tentacle in the air. I was calm at the time, I didn't think of it as what we were doing with 'Code Red'. Karma just walked over to him and though it was about him influencing me to do something bad. I mean, he was kind right in a way, Koro-Sensei doesn't really like PDA in class times.

Everyone had left and Karma, Koro-Sensei and I were left in the class. I was at my seat and Karma was leaning back in his chair.
"First off, your not in trouble but I hav been noticing you guys going up to the bathroom together for extended periods of times during class time. I was wondering why? You never used to do this when you two first got together," he explained. I looked down a bit embarrassed. Karma looked up at Koro-Sensei then looked at me.

"Nagisa, do you want me to explain?" Karma asked with concern laced in his voice. I shook my head and looked up at Koro-Sensei.
"Lately, I've been feeling these...feelings that have made me uncomfortable so I asked Karma about it and he said 'it's just puberty doing its thing' so we made up this signal we called 'Code Red'. He would help me when I felt like that and calm me down," I explain the best I could without going into too much detail. He nods his head and then scratches his head with his tentacle.
"If I may act, what sort of 'urges'?" My face gets up and Karma chuckles at my reaction.

"Well...I...," I try to find the correct words but noting would come out of my mouth.
"He acting like a girl on her period," Karma said bluntly.
"K-KARMA!" I yell blushing madly. Koro-Sensei chuckles.
"Nagisa, care to enlighten me?" Koro-Sensei asks with a confused face.
"I...I've been getting all these...feelings...,"I try to explain.
"Like...I would want to cry for no reason and...," I blush and can't finish my sentence. I hope Koro-Sensei understands.

"No more be said Nagisa my boy, now can you come with me for a private chat. We'll be back soon Karma," Koro-Sensei leads me to the teachers office. He grabs a chair and sits down then pulls out a seat form me.
"Nagisa, we all go through this. This is all normal for a boy your age so you don't have to be embarrassed. You should really talk to an adult. I'm proud that you talked to Karma about this and he is helping bit doing it during class time is a big no no," His face was purple with an 'X'.
"I'm sorry Koro-Sensei..." I lower my head and he places his tentacle on my shoulder.
"I'm not mad, I know now so I'll let Karma out with you discreetly," My eyes widen.
"Thank you Sensei," I give him a big smile before heading back to Karma.

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