You've Gotten Shorter Nagisa ❤️

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"Are you really really OK with this?" Okuda asked for like the tenth time already. She wants me to test a potion She made. It should make people shrink, of course you ask the short person.
"It's fine, really. Is it done yet?" I look at the beakers she was using and there was a lot of stuff going on. She pours together two different liquids into a separate beaker and passes it to me. Karma's behind me laughing because if this works I'll be even shorter than I am now and he thinks that priceless.

I drink it and gag. This didn't taste nice. Suddenly a poof of smoke serounded me and I look up at Okuda. I'm so short, like a toddler. My clothes are way too big for me and are slipping down my body so I'm just trying to keep them up on my body. I turn around and Karma has the biggest eyes I've ever seen when looking at me. "Is this what's meant to happen?" I ask Okuda. She shakes her head and checks everything she's done. "You haven't just shrunk in size but in age! I don't know what to do, I am soooo sorry Nagisa," she bows.

"I'm going to stay as a child till you get the antidote then?" I ask looking up at her. She nods then bows.
"You'll have to stay with someone over the weekend before I get get the antidote," She looks at Karma then at me.  "You could stay with Karma," I suddenly get scared. Karma LOVES little kids. He has only told me about this and I can sense he knows I'm scared.
"That sounds fine. Pass me your phone," I reluctantly grabbed my phone out of my bag and gave it to Karma. He did something on it then I heard a notification sound.
"What did you do?" I glare at him.
"I texted your mother to tell her your staying at my house for the weekend. She said it's fine," I was in shock. There is no way my mother would of agreed to that.

We start to head out. Karma is carrying both our bags since in to short and weak to carry my by myself.
"Wait!" Okuda yelled. We turn back to her. "This potion makes your body used to your height and if that's the might think and act like a toddler," I will act like a toddler. I start to tear up but I don't know why. I keep wiping the tears away from my face with my small fists but they keep going down my face. "I thinks it's already kicking in," Okuda says while looking at me concerned. As a toddler, I could hardly walk and couldn't talk very well. Mother always said I was a big crybaby and cried over small things. I have no idea what's going to happen now.

We start to head home and it's hard to walk on rough ground in socks. I'm only in my white shirt to so it's like a dress on me. My vest is in my bag along with my shoes, which Karma is carrying.
"Are you finding ok to walk?" Karma asks looking down at me. A shake my head and I continue going down the mountain, I don't want to be a burden. "Wait a sec Nagisa, piggy back ride?" I instantly nod my head but that was my body not me. I look away and blush. "Is someone a bit eager?" Karma teases and squats down so I can grab onto his back. I jump up and wrap my arms around his neck and he stands up again with his free arm supporting me from falling. I mentally gasp, this is how it feels like to be tall. "Like the view? This is how it is to be tall. You will never experience this so take it in while it lasts," Karma teases again. I pout and make a humph noise. He chuckles at my response and continues walking to his house.

I've been to Karma's house before but at this height it's huge. Karma does come from a wealthy family and his house looked like a mansion for normal people. We enter and I look around, I really do feel short now. Karma chucks our bags down and puts me down on the ground. I was a bit shaken walking around but I got the hang of it. "You really are turning into a toddler," he states observing me. I turn to face him.
"I guess but I need to make the most of my time being semiconscious, like if I was normal," I look down slightly.
"More time for you understanding my teasing," he teases.
"Yeah, whateber," I say. My speach is going a bit wrong but still understandable. "Can we do somting?" I ask.
"Tv?" He suggests. I nod my head and slowly toddle over to the couch while Karma walks behind me so I don't fall over.

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