When You Have To Go ❤️

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"Ka~Chan!" My best friend yells running up to me. He jumped into my arms and hugged me tightly but he was so weak it didn't matter. I hug back with my chin on his shoulder. Out of the corner of my eye I can see mother and Nagisa's mother talking and laughing. I pull away and see Nagi~Chan in a short sleeved blue shirt, black shorts and little blue sandles. He has always been really little for his age, I mean we were five and he looked two.

"Ka~Chan! Guess what? Me no need diapers now!" He jumped up and down excitedly. He always had trouble with the bathroom and would get teased at school for it. There has been many times I've got in trouble for pushing the students who would say that to Nagi~Chan. I would also have to witness him get hurt and cry. It's so hard to see him like that.
"That's great Nagi~Chan! You're a big boy now!" I say and lift him up in the air for a second. He erupts in a fit of laughter.
"Yay yay!" He exclaims. He starts to run around in circles. He grabs my hand and rushes over to his mother excitedly. "Mommy, Mommy! Ka~Chan said I am big boy! Am I?" He asks, pulling on the hem of her shirt. She looks down at us and I look at her with wide eyes.
"Of course sweetie," she ruffles his slightly long hair. "Now go play in the park with Karma while Mommy talks with Karma's Mommy," she shoos us away and turns back to my mother.

He dragged me over to the sand box and started to dig up the sand up with his hands. It was getting flicked everywhere but he seemed to be having the time of his life.
"Ka~Chan, help wif sand casle," he said. He couldn't speak very well since he was shy around everyone but his parents, my mother and me, he never really got to talk a lot and only had his first word when he turned three.
"Sure," I reply simply. I sit down next to him and start piling sand up.

We were building this pile of sand up for about half an hour and it's getting quite tall. There is basically a ditch around us were we've taken the sand. I notice that Nagi~Chan is squirming a bit while he does this. "Nagi~Chan, are you ok?" I asked him concerned. He nods his head.
"I need potty," He says. I stand and help him up then I grab him and place him on my hip. I run as fast as I could without dropping him and run to Nagi~Chan's mother.
"Mommy! Mommy! Potty!" He yells like a little kid. I pass him over to his mother and she smiles kindly at me before walking to the bathroom with Nagi~Chan.

My mother looks down at me at smiles.
"And to think he is older than you," she says laughing. I look at her kind of angry.
"That doesn't mean anything! He can be smarter than you even if he looks and acts little!" I shout at her, standing up for Nagi~Chan.
"Karma..." She looks at me then sighs. She ruffles my hair. "Your too kind to him..."

I feel a sudden weight leap onto my back. There was a fit of giggles.
"Ka~Chan! I'm back!" He yells. There are more giggles. I turn around and pick him up and nuzzle our noses together.
"Nagi~Chan, your the best," he really is. He puts on a silly smile and laughs.
"Your da bes too," I pull him into a hug. I love my best friend. "Let's go play!"


Sometimes I feel that fate repeats itself...

The class is hanging out at the beach and I'm just laying underneath an umbrella on a towel. I mean, I COULD go and terrorise everyone in the water but I don't feel like it now. On the towel next to me is Nagisa who is basically asleep. I close my eyes and am about to go to sleep when I feel a tap on my arm.
"Karma?" I look at him. "Can you come to the bathroom with me?" He asks innocently. I give him a confused look them smirk.
"Does the little kid need an adult with them?" I tease. He puffs out his cheeks and grabs my wrist, pulling me up to a sitting position. "Fiiiiiiiine," I get up and smirk at him.

We start walking down the beach side. I look out into the ocean and see it's beauty. The light blue up by the shore and darker blues heading back into the skyline. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Nagisa fidgeting while walking. He is an idiot.

We get to the shack-looking building with two entries, on the left girls and on the right boys. "Why are you heading right? Your a girl aren't you?" I tease him. He hits my arm.
"I'm shirtless right now, does that give it away that I'm a boy?" He replies annoyed.
"You could be forever flat like Kaede," I mention. He just looks away and walks into the bathroom.

A second later he comes out blushing with a nervous expression.
"They are out of service..." I smirk at his statement.
"You could just go in the bushes," I suggest pointing to the forrest-like area a couple meters away from us. He blushes and shakes his head. "Or..." I smirk "you could go to the girls room?" He face turns completely red and starts panicking.
"K-Karma, I c-can't do th-that!" He blurts out shaking.
"There the ocean," I suggest one more with a smirk.
"YOUR NOT HELPING!" He yells at me. His knees buckle slightly as he crosses his legs. I sigh. I'll try to help him.
"Go to the bushes, I'll block the view from this side," he nods and walks over to the bushes.

"B-Block you ears," he mutters loud enough for me to hear. I put my fingers in my ears and look away. Why would Nagisa be so embarrassed doing this sort of stuff. I mean, he's a guy. He should be used to this sort of thing. Then again...his mother always brought him up like a girl and make him do girly things. We've known each other since we were born and yet he is still embarrassed by this. My mother always told me how cute we were when we were young. She said I was like a big brother to him even though I was younger.

I still have to protect him today, kinda. Know we're assassins, we can basically kill someone if we wanted to. It's great for him to defend himself from the pervs that think he's a girl. And he can be really scary. I normally don't have to keep my guard up around him and now I do. I feel he could kill me his touch. He's like a snake.

"Karma," I hear Nagisa's muffled voice and I turn around. "Thanks, for coming with me," He looks down. I ruffle his hair and he looks up. I smile at him and he smiles back with a slight blush.
"No problem little Nagisa, now lets go and terrorise everyone with water guns," I have a dervish grin on. He shakes his head.
"You do that, I'll jut watch. Don't get me wet," he warns. I chuckle.
"Don't worry your girly body over it," I tease. He gives me an annoyed look then starts heading off. Time for some fun.


"Mother said I use to call you 'Nagi~Chan'. It fits you. Cuz' you look like a girl," I say casually. He glares at me.
"Well, I apparently called you 'Ka~Chan'. That's really cute isn't it?" He asks.
"I guess, I wouldn't like it now. We grew out of those names anyway," I reply.
"Ka~Chan, can you walk home with me?" He asks me like a little kid. Oh, two can play that game.
"Sure Nagi~Chan, but let me check your diaper first," I tease going behind him. He squeaks and turns around at me.
"Your a meanie!" He yells pointing at me. I start walking away.
"Whatever shorty," I walk away.

Words: 1405

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