Sleepy Nagisa ❤️

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Karma's POV
Another day of trying to kill Koro~Sensei is here and I arrived earlier today to talk to Nagisa about a new method of kill Koro~Sensei that involves him in a skirt. He would get so flustered, this will be priceless!

As I walk into class, I notice that Nagisa isn't here. He is normally early so he can see his friends but only Kaede and Isogai are here. He is never late, he'll be here soon. I go and sit at my desk and wait for Nagisa.

The bells is going to go in five minutes and he still isn't here. Koro~Sensei is here and is slightly worried himself. He wouldn't break his perfect attendance unless he's sick, but he never gets sick.

The bell goes and then Nagisa rolls up in a messy uniform stumbling to his desk and face-plants into it. "Nagisa, just in time. You don't look well are you ok?" Koro~Sensei asks. Nagisa looks up with tired eyes and just nods resting his head in his hands. He is so tired it's funny.

First session was history and even if your not tired, you will fall asleep in this class but Nagisa kept his head up writing scrappy notes half lidded. We had these really big text books that we had to read from time to time and they were soft, like pillow soft. Nagisa would of fallen asleep right then and there if Kaede didn't drop her book on the ground scarring everyone, even Koro~Sensei.

Second session was English with Professor Bitch. With here we had to a lot of speaking, especially on our R and V sounds. We all had to say 'really very' like a native English person would and let's just say Nagisa said it in Japanese instead leaving the whole class laughing and Professor Bitch shaking her head.

We had recess now and I just grabbed Nagisa's lunch box and dragged him outside to try and wake him up at least a bit. We sat down against a tree in the outskirts of the forrest, like we normally do, and start to eat. He starts eating his bento box with the back of his chopsticks and eventually grew to tired to even life his arm.

He started dosing off but I held his head back up and grabbed his chopsticks. I grab some of the food and hold it near his mouth. "Say ahhh," I cooed. He lazily opened his mouth and ate the piece I gave him and at that moment he woke up just enough to blush and take back his chopsticks and continue eating, facing away from me and I chuckle slightly.

We had PE now and today was spar day. We all got teamed by ability level. I always went with Nagisa since his pure assassination powers against my pure strength and brute force were a perfect counters for each other.

In the change room, also know as the boys bathroom, Nagisa was struggling with his buttons on his vest and his top itself because of the fatigue he has gained from not sleeping. I walked over to him and tried to help but he kept struggling and mumbling he didn't  need help. I got Sugino to hold his legs down so he wouldn't try to excape.

We walked out and Nagisa had his arms loosely around my upper torso as we walked to where Mr Karasuma was. I had my right arm around his shoulders to keep him up right but he kept drooping down to try and sleep.

Mr Karasuma looked over at me and Nagisa.
"What happened to Nagisa?" He looked at him as he leaned against me almost asleep.
"Couldn't sleep last night, his mother brought home a drunk guy and ya know..." I gave him look and he just sighed.
"Make sure he doesn't get hurt, Karma," he looked at me sternly. I nodded and he started grouping us up.

I make him stand up on his own and had an idea. I'll give him a reason to fight me with at least some force.
"Nagisa," I got his attention and he looked up at me. I got my phone out and showed him the picture of him in the skirt from vacation that he thought I deleted.
"KARMA! I told you to delete that!" He yelled at me. This is what I wanted.

"If you want me to delete this photo you have to win, now bring it," he glared at me and rushed in with the anti-sensei knife and swung at me a few times but I dodged easily. He kept attacking me with pure rage which I've never seen him do.  He doesn't really have control of his emotions when he's like this. I swung at him and grazed him arm slightly. He stepped bad a bit then charged in for his next attack.

This kept going for a while until the bell went and in his rage, Nagisa kept attacking, so I swung loosely at him to get him back then charges at him and picked him up and flopped him over my shoulder.
"KARMA PUT ME DOWN!" He wailed kicking and punching me. With my free hand I stroked his hair and he calmed down straight away. He was still tired but the rage distracted him from it.we headed back to the boys bathroom where I basically dressed Nagisa.

Now we have science, we are learning about atoms and the structure of a nucleus. Everything is made of them so without them we wouldn't exist. That's deep shit. For a fun project, we got to make our own element atom using marshmallows and icing to stick to cookies. I grabbed Nagisa and got to work. We desired to make neon witch is the tenth element. I grabbed ten white marshmallows and ten pink ones, a cookie and some icing.

As we started sticking the marshmallows on the cookie, we soon realised how small the cookie was. We tryied stacking it up and added a lot of icing to help it stay and it worked! At the end of the lesson I let Nagisa eat it so that he got some sort of energy out of the sugar.

At lunch Nagisa and I leaned on the same tree we did at recess but Nagisa sat in my lap because I was 'warm and comfortable'. It was really nice to spend time with just the two of us in a nice peaceful sort of way. A rap my hands around him and he snuggles into my chest more and grabs my hands and holds them with his. He finally falls asleep after a day of struggling to stay awake. I feel so relaxed by his calming heartbeat and light snores that I follow him into the land of slumber


The bell has gone at its math time! All my students start to come in and I notice Nagisa and Karma are absent from the class. Don't tell me Karma convinced sleepy Nagisa to ditch with him. But Nagisa struggles with math so he would do that. "One moment class, I need to find Nagisa and Karma. Please talk amongst yourselves," I say as I zoom off to the outskirts of the forrest.

I saw the two boys leaning on a tree sleeping. Finally Nagisa got some sleep, it was really hindering his learning. I rush off to get a blanket and put it over the two of them and rush back to class. "Everyone please turn to page 451 and start reading," I think I'll let them off this time.

Words: 1281

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