Cuddle Bug ❤️

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For girls my age, it's pretty normal to get their period. Like, since we were ten, we shoved a pad in the bottom of our bags. Now I'm at home in soooooo much pain. It's a Sunday and I am experiencing the worst cramps and headache in my life. I've also had a cold for the last few days so I feel hot and cold at the same time.

I am covered in a blanket and a cold towel on my forehead. I'm dying.  I need to get Karma here now. I can barely reach my phone. One I get it. I get Karma on the line.
"Sup' Babe, are you feeling better?"
"Get her noooooooow"
"I'll be there in five"

He hung up. He knows. I've told him everything. We have no secrets between us. We are the power couple. He actually keeps the dates on his phone so I don't forget. He is a life saver.

I hear the door open and I look over. My boyfriend is there with a plastic bag of things. He rushes over to me and pecks my lips.
"Hey babe, I have ice-cream and sappy romantic movies. I also have a hot water bottle if you let me use your kettle," just hearing that makes me feel happier. "And pain killers, but you won't need those with me around,"He sang. I look at him dead in the eye and he gives me two tablets. I swallow them with water.

"I want cuddles," I wine to him. In a second flat, I'm now in his lap with a blanket on top of us and he is massaging my stomach. I snuggle into his chest. My phone goes off and karma grabs it for me. I look at the notification and groan. I sit up and head up to the bathroom. "I'll be back, set up movies and ice cream and the hot water bottle or you'll be dead," I sang the last bit as I head up to my bathroom.


I feel so bad for Nagisa. She has to deal with this every month. And every month I need to help her as much as I can. I'll be the best boyfriend ever! I rush to the kitchen and heat up the kettle and rush back to the living room to put in the movie. I hear the kettle steam after I put in the disc and head back to the kitchen. Once I put the water in the hot water bottle, I hear Nagisa come down the stairs. I hold the hot water bottle in one hand and a tub of ice,cream in another.

She looks over at me and gasps. She basically was tearing up. Wait did I do something wrong? Did I grab the wrong ice-cream? Wrong movie? All these thoughts were rushing threw my head and I suddenly a feel Nagisa's arms wrap around me. She is sobbing into my chest and mumbling sweet things to me. She's thanking me and saying how amazing I am. If only she did that everyday, wait, she does.

"Nagi, if you want the food, let go of me first, then we can cuddle as much as you like," I explain. She reluctantly lets go of me and head to the couch. I follow behind and sit down and she basically jumps on top of me. I put the hot water bottle in her lap and hold the ice cream on her stomach with one hand and grab the remote with the other.

The movie starts up and Nagisa is chowing into the ice cream. Every once in a while I would kiss her cheek to get her attention and then open my mouth. She would feed me some ice cream and would kiss my cheek after.

About halfway through the movie all the ice cream is gone and she is crying into my chest because of how 'sad' it is. I've been stroking her hair and her breathing has been slowing down slowly and eventually she fell asleep.

I sweep some of her fringe behind her ear and smile. She is so cute when she sleep, like an angel. My angel. She is clinging to me tightly so I can't really move without her waking up and she will be in a bad mood if I did that. I'll just have a short nap too...


"Kaaaaarma," I wake up to a small blue blob on my chest. She is clinging even tighter now.
"Yes Nagi?" I look at her confused. She buries her face into the crook of my neck.
"Get me fooooooood," She wines even more.
"What do you want?" I ask her hoping not to get yelled at for not knowing.
"Can I have some of that yummy soupy stuff that you make?" She asks innocently.
"Ok I will. Can you move so I can get now?" It's getting harder to breath now with her tight grip on me. She loosens her grip on me and I stand up with her still on my chest. He legs are wrapped around my waist and her head buried deep in my chest. I have one arm around her to keep her from falling.

I get to the kitchen and start to get everything out and not hurt Nagisa. It's a lot harder than you would think. She is like a giant belly on me and it's not nice. She is quite light though so the weight isn't the problem.
"Nagi, if you want your food you have to get off of me," I mumble into her hair. She loosens her grip and gets off of me. She then grabs me again and hugs me from behind. I sigh and continue cutting some vegetables for the soup. I continue working on the food with Nagisa clinging to my back for dear life.

I finish after a while and pour the soup into bowls. I grab some spoons and go over to the couch and place the food on the table in fount of us, I grab Nagisa
and place her in my lap and start to feed her. She eats happily and finishes the food quickly before heading upstairs.
"I want chocolate chip ice cream," she demands before disappearing into the bathroom. I go to the kitchen and grab the tub of ice cream and two spoons so this time a can have more then last time.

She comes back and sits on my lap again. The small tub of ice cream couldn't stand a chance against Nagisa's wrath. It was gone in a matter of half an hour.

"Karmaaaaaa, can we go to bed?" She wines. I was feeling a bit tired myself so why not? I pick her up and rush upstairs to her room. I put her down on the bed and lay down next to her. She tightly wraps her arms around my neck and her legs around one of mine. The covers were at our feel and I couldn't really move to get them.

I hear her snoring quite loudly next to my ear. Must be because of the cold. She drools a bit and squirms. She finally settles into a comfortable position for her, not me. Her elastics came out of her hair and are behind her in the bed. I sigh as I try to break away from her grasp for just a second.

She's a fucking snake.

Words: 1247

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