Break 💚

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"I think we need a break Nagisa," no...
"K-Karma..." tears were flowing down my cheeks.
"I...I need some time...alone..." no...
He walked away and started fading out of my vision. I can't loose him.
"Goodbye..." NO!
"KARMA!" I scream into the distance. He didn't even look back.

He doesn't want me anymore.
He didn't want me in the first place.
He just needs to be alone.
He wanted that from the start.
He just wants to go home.
And stay there.
Without me.

Everything was dark now. Nothing was bright. Why would it be? Nothing matters anyway. Nothing would happen if I was gone. I'm dark like this world. I could just fade into it. But...I'm a chicken. My hands would too shaky to tie the noose. I couldn't dare cut myself, I hate pain. reminds me of him...

The way he would beat anyone up. It was a pleasure for him. Like I wasn't. I couldn't pleasure him. I can't stand pain...unless I die.

I've heard if you die, you don't feel the pain. That sounds great. No more pain. No more suffering. Happiness.

Word count: 193

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2019 ⏰

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