His Maid, Transformed

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Sebastian's POV

"Young master there seems to be a disturbance downstairs would you like me to deal with it before Lady Elizabeth arrives?"


Just like my young master to give such short curt answers. I bowed to Ciel before walking out of his study. I rubbed my temples in annoyance. Bard and Mey-rin were running inside the manor going on about 'should we tell him' and she needs help. I was througouly confused until I heard the sound of a rapid beating heart. It seemed too fast to be human but I didn't smeel anything other then human and Pluto. As I was desending the stairs I seen Bard carrying a young woman who looked to be around Young Master's age if not older. She has long, curly, brown hair that looked like it would reach her midback if her haid wasn't flopped over Bard's arm. Him and Mey-rin were running in circles but when I cleared my throat they froze in place. Just then Finny ran into the manor yelling, "I hid PluPlu! Where'd you put the girl?"

I smiled at the trio with my signature close eyed smile and I heard them all gulp.

"What did you three do?"

They looked at each other before Mey-rin clumsly stepped forward.

"We didn't do nothin Sebastian! We were washin Pluto when we heard howlin and Plu ran off towards the noise."

Finny stepped forward ," Yeah and when we caught up with him we seem some wolves slinking back into the woods and Pluto was standing over this girl here."

Bard seemed to be growing courage as he stepped forward. He shifted the cigagertte in his mouth before speaking up.

"And he looked down and just bit her on her shoulder! She started screaming and passed out. I had Finny take Pluto awat so we didn't have to worry about him hurting her and we brought her here to see if you'd help her Sebastian.''

They all nodded furiuosly and I sighed. 'She was bit by a demon hound she doesn't have much time left.'

"Give her to me I'll see what Bo-chan what's me to do with her now you three get back to work!"

They all jumped up and saluted me before running off to, no doubt, destroy something. I looked down at the girl in my arms. She had caramel colored skin that was covered with a slight sweat sheen. Her face was screwed up in pain and she was wimpering in her sleep. I carried her up the stairs and knocked on Ciel's study.

"Enter Sebastian."

I shifted the girl in my arms and opened the door. Ciel looked up at me and his eyes widened slightly when he took in the unconsiousgirl in my arms.

"I apoplogize Bo-chan. I wanted to inform you of the cause of the disturbances downstairs."

He nodded and I explained to him what the trio of idiots explained to me. I also explained to him what the bite of a demon hound does.

"It kills its reciever?"

"Hai Bo-chan. The reciever usually suffers through unbeareable pain described as a 'raging inferno' in their veins. The longest someone has lasted has been 4 days. They transformed but they went crazy and was put down."

My master looked down at the girls who was currently writhing in pain while wimpering.

"How long do you think she has?"

"At most 2 days."

He nodded and clasped him hands in front of him. He closed his eyes.

"My Lord what do you want me to do with her?"

He opened his eyes and said, "Bandage her up and take her to a guest room. Keep an eye on her."

My eyes widened. 'Does this girl mean something to him?'

Ciel's POV

When Sebastian brought me the strange girl I was confused. But when I seen her I was stunned. She had long curly black hair and caramel colored skin. She was wearing lilac colored shorts that had see through material the connected at the top of her shorts to her ankles. She also had a lilc colored shirt that stopped under her, ahem, chest with small beads that hung underneath the hem. She had on dark purple boots that went up to beneath her knees. She was beautiful and strange and I felt a compelling need to keep her safe. As soon as Sebastian left I rested my head on the back of my chair. I grabbed a fistful of my hair and tugged on it.

"Ugh...why did I have him bandage her up. She's going to die soon anyway."

I sighed and sat up. ' I need to stay focused on the matter at hand' I pulled a stack of papers closer to me and started to skim over them but my worried feeling didn't dissapear. 'I'll check on her tomorrow.'

Sayomi's POV

The pain was unbearable. I felt like I had a raging forest fire coursing through me. The fire was consuming everything in it path. My skin felt as if it had been torched and is laying in flakes on my bones. I tried to cry out for someone, anyone, to put out this fire but all that came out was a wimper. I tried to move but I couldn't move my arms or my legs. I struggled and pulled but to no edvale. I felt my salty tears run down my burning face as I struggled to get anything to cool down my burning body. I felt something wet and cold being laid on my forehead and I gasped in shock. The icy water dripped down my forehead and onto my cheecks where it mingled with my tears. I felt a hand wipe away the water and sigh. 'Who are you?' I know it couldn't have been the circus because the would've beaten me. So who saved me. And what was that thing that bit me.. I tried to hang onto consioucness but I slowly slipped into the cool relied of darkness.


I want to apologize to my readers for taking so long to update. I've been working on homework and looking for a job. But here you guys go! Sorry for it being so short and I believe I forgot to mention this but I changed Ciel's age from like 12/13 to 15/16. It fits into my story better :3 so enjoy!

His Maid, Demon Hound (Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now