(3)School? ew.

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*3 weeks later*

Amelia woke up to the extremely loud BEEP BEEP of her alarm. She got up and got dressed. About two and a half weeks ago she attended her parents funeral. It was the worst day of her life. But she had finally come to the fact that she was an orphan. She walked down the stairs and said hello to her cousins and ate her breakfast.

"So Amelia are you ready for school?"

"I'm not sure really. I'm kind of scared and nervous."

"Don't be, you've got us." The twins grinned at her and she smiled back at them but it didn't reach her eyes. They saw it and looked at each other with frowns. They knew that no matter how much they helped and cheered her up they couldn't fix Amelia. She was heartbroken.

They all finished their breakfast and got in the car while Max went to the drivers seat. They first dropped off Drake at his elementary school and then drove up to theirs. They parked the car and sat for a minute.

"You ready?" Max asked.

"Yeah I think so." Amelia sighed.

They got out of the car and walked into the schools office where Amelia got her schedule.

1st AP physics

2nd AP Literature

3rd History


4th Music

5th Calculus

Annabelle squealed when she saw Amelia's schedule.

"Mel you've got second, third and fifth with me!"

"And you have first and third with me." said max.

Amelia smiled. She had her cousins in all her classes except one. Which was Music and her favorite thing in the world. They had that class back where she lived and she was always happy when she attended it. Amelia and Max parted ways with Annabelle and walked to first period. They sat down and the teacher started doing roll call. When she got to Amelia name she smiled.

"I see we've got a new student! Amelia?"

Amelia raised her hand with a sad smile.

"Could you please come up and introduce yourself and maybe tell us a little bit about yourself."

She nodded and stood up in front of the class.

"My name is Amelia. I'm from California and I recently just moved here."

She sat back down and the teacher began teaching. After what seemed like hours it was finally lunch. Amelia walked with Max and Annabelle to a table where there was a lot of people they all smiled and welcomed her but Amelia didn't like it at all. This was the popular table and she was far from anything like them. The whole time they all laughed and talked and she just felt suffocated.

"Belle I'm going to go use the bathroom."

"Alright but be back."


Amelia got up and made her escape. she went to the bathroom and sat in the stall for the remaining of lunch.


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