(13) It Was A Mistake

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13. It Was A Mistake

The next day Amelia was excited to finally go to school and her cousins were bewildered by her strange behavior. As soon as Max parked the car Amelia was out and fast walking towards school. She walked into her first period but Alec wasn't there. A frown made it's way onto her face as she sat down quietly. Alec was ditching again and today was the worst day he could choose to do that. Amelia wanted answers but it looked like she wasn't getting any. The morning seemed to drag on and finally it was lunch. She made her way to the table where Jack was but Alec wasn't sadly. She sat down and smiled at Jack.

"Hey there."

"Hey, so tell me what happened between you and Alec." Jack said and wiggled his eyebrows.

Amelia's cheeks heated up and she turned away from Jack.

"Amelia please, please, please tell me!"

"Nothing happened."

"Yes it did otherwise you wouldn't become the color of a tomato."

Right as Jack finished his sentence Alec sat down at the table across from them.

"What are you two talking about?"

Amelia's eyes widened and she interrupted before Jack could say anything stupid.

"Nothing interesting and actually I was hoping I could talk to you." She nervously laughed.

Alec looked a little confused but nodded at her so Amelia stood up and Alec followed. Once they were out of ear shot for Jack to hear Amelia started speaking.

"Alec about yesterday and that kiss I want to know what happened and does it mean anything I mean-"

Her rambling was interrupted by Alec, "It was a mistake Lia."


"It was in the heat of the moment and I wasn't thinking clearly we're just friends."

Amelia felt something inside her die all over again but smiled at him.

"Right we're just friends. So I've got to go bye." She rushed off before she could do anything even more dumb than she already did.

Alec watched as she walked away and had to force himself not to follow her and tell her he lied. It wasn't a mistake...of course it wasn't but Alec couldn't bring himself to hurt someone as amazing as Amelia so he simply watched her walk away until she was out of sight. He felt a presence stand next to him.

"You could use someone like her Alec. She's beautiful, kind, gentle, and the complete opposite of what you are. We both know how your mom is doing."

Alec looked at his best friend sharply.

"My mom is doing fine. I don't need anyone especially not some girl. I've been handling things fine and I will be fine."

He turned away from Jack and stormed off in the direction of his car. Jack shook his head at Alec's stupidity and walked to his next class.

Amelia sat on the bathroom floor with tears threatening to spill over her eyes. How could she be so stupid she probably ruined whatever friendship she had with Alec because she just had to mention some dumb kiss. A mistake. He thought the kiss was a mistake. Then why didn't it feel like that for her? Why did she care? She sat there for a long time becoming overwhelmed with these thoughts.

As she walked out of the bathroom she bumped into Jack.

"Look Amelia I don't know what happened but I saw you and Alec talking just now and it didn't seem like the most pleasant conversation."

"That's an understatement of the century." She snorted.

"What I'm trying to say is that Alec isn't easy to get along with. And besides me you're the only person he's let get anywhere near him and I've still got to figure out why. But please just...be careful." Jack finished and sighed.

Amelia watched him closely and listened.

"Don't worry about me Jack I'm a big girl."

"You're strong. Not physically but mentally and you show that."

"Hey! I'm strong!" Amelia protested.

"Whatever floats your boat." Jack laughs and with a small wave walks away from her.

Amelia watches his retreating back and rethinks everything he told her.

Ssoooo how did you guys like this chapter? I think it'd alright I feel like I can do better it's just not easy for me right now.

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