(20) Fight! Fight! Fight!

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(20) Fight! Fight! Fight!

Because I'm soooo nice I'm giving you guys 2 chapters in one weekend. you better love me. Alec's abs & back muscles at the top/side! Enjoy;) P.S. Play the song up at the top/side for this chapter when you see the three *** or if it's not working go on YouTube and play Love Me Again by John Newman. I thought it fit well with the fighting part of the chapter.

He could hear the crowd chanting. He hadn't even got up there and he was already sweating and scared to death. Of course Alec would never admit it but he wasn't sure this time. Crusher had beat everyone. He was the champion.

Alec remembered training and training the past two days with very little breaks. He didn't even have Amelia here to tell him that everything would be alright because of course he was only doing this for her. Grant and Jack walked into the spare room he was sitting in.

"You sure 'bout this? I's your last chance to back out." Grant spoke.

"I'm sure."

Grant shook his head in pity. He had watched Alec grow from a weak boy to the strong man he was now, but even he knew that Alec couldn't possibly be ready for this fight. Crusher was ruthless and didn't care. He had killed people over the decades he had fought.

All three of the men heard the announcer say that the next fight would be in 15 minutes which was Alec's fight.

"Where the hell is Marc? I want to see Amelia before the fight to make sure she's alright."

As if right on que Marc walked into the room.

"Speak of the devil and he appears." muttered Jack.

"Hello Alec."

"Show me Amelia. I want to see her before the fight."

"I'm on FaceTime with my people right now who have her locked up so you can see her this way otherwise I can't take you to her."

"Just show me." He said through gritted teeth.

Marc held up his phone and Alec looked and saw Amelia with tears in her eyes.

"Alec." she whispered hoarsely.

"Lia..." he looked at her trying to stay calm but couldn't help it. She looked like she lost weight and was dehydrated.

"If you want me to fight you better damn feed her and give her water right this damn second."

"We tried but she just refused." Marc replied.

Alec turned back to the phone.

"Listen Amelia please just eat whatever they give you I promise I'll win this and get you back baby."

Amelia almost melted at the way he said that. She was so tired and afraid. It was like being kept in a dark hole the past two days. She was so scared because they had told her what Alec had to do and she didn't want him to do it but at the same time she did. She didn't want him to risk his life for her since she didn't have much left here anyway but she also didn't wish to die all that much either. She would've kissed him then and there is she could. But all she did was nod her head at the phone that one of Marc's men were holding up for her since her hands were tied to the chair.

They all listened to the announcer again and knew it was time for Alec to go up and fight.

Grant patted Alec on the back and said, "This fights' 800,000 dolla's. That's exactly 'nough for them to leave you alone. Remember you needa' find his weakness. He ws' in a fight yesterday and got hurt. Can't remember where though so that's for you to figure out."


Alec nodded and walked out into the cage. He heard the crowd roar for him but become even louder when Crusher came out. The guy was huge. Pure muscle and nothing else. You could see a scar on his face but nothing else was wrong. Maybe Grant was also wrong and he didn't get hurt in his previous fight because if that was true then Alec had no chance and he knew it.

They circled each other and Alec watched for any limps or awkward movements but nothing seemed out of place this guy was either really good at hiding it or he just wasn't hurt. He decided to stay on defense and let him start the fight.

Alec saw Crusher lung at him and knock him down onto the ground. He felt like his lungs were broken but Crusher just gave him a cruel smile. Alec got up and for the next few punches he was able to block him. He was out of breath when there was only a few seconds left of the first round and crusher knocked him down again and won the first round.

Alec walked into his break room frustrated. He punched the wall and was so angry. Grant, Jack, and Marc piled in.

"Get yourself together man." Jack yelled.

Alec nodded and heard the bell ring for the second round. He ran into the cage and as soon as they were allowed to start lunged at Crusher and knocked him down and the crowd yelled. He started punching him in the face and Crusher blocked almost every single one. He pushed Alec off him finally and punched him solidly in the face. Alec could feel the excruciating pain but he knew he had to continue. He gave up on offense and just defended himself against the rest of the punches and kicks. As the bell rang the second round wasn't won by either of them.

Alec knew the third round was going to finish everything. He either won or died. The last round was a fight to the death or until someone gave up and usually someone gave up when they were on the verge of death. He gulped down a bottle of water and wiped his face off with a towel that Grant handed to him. The bell for the final round sounded and Alec walked into the cage.

Grant was watching from the audience and knew Alec wouldn't win unless he had some serious motivation right in front of him. Grant walked up to the prick also known as Marc.

"Y'a want him to win the fight yeah?"

"No shit. I want my money." He replied.

"Then y'a better get that girly out 'ere so that he can see her. He cares 'bout her an' if she's his motivation he could s'ill win."

Marc nodded as if considering the offer. He called one of his men over and whispered something.

Alec almost gave up when he looked at Crusher and saw his predatory gaze. They began fighting and Alec tried to throw a few punching but they were useless. He just couldn't find the stupid weak spot. they separated and started circling each other again. From the crowd he heard a feminine voice yell his name and then something about the stomach. Alec turned to look a saw that it was Amelia who was screaming at him and crying. He turned back and almost didn't see the tiniest of flinches Crusher made when his torso moved. It was his stomach in fact that was hurt. Perfect thought Alec. He kept playing the defense side trying to get Crusher tired but the guy seemed to have unlimited energy.

He Hit Alec into the wall of the cage and started punching him all over. Alec tried to block but was slowly giving up. He couldn't even get close enough to hit his stomach. He heard Amelia's scream as he was slowly falling to the ground There was 20 seconds left of the third round but crusher clearly saw Alec giving up and stood up as the crowd cheered for him. Alec heard Grant yelling for him to get his ass up but it was so hard. He was so tired. The clock kept ticking. 15,14,13,12...
Alec got up while Crusher was still facing the crowd and punch his back which made Crusher turn around and Alec hit him straight in the stomach 9,8,7...
The clock was ticking quickly and Alec finally managed to get Crusher to the ground. He punched and punched and Crusher was trying to cover his stomach.

"I give up!" Crusher yelled as his stomach was bleeding.

The bell rang and the crowd screamed and screamed. Alec fell because of all the broken bones in his body that he felt. He saw Amelia rush to him and kiss his forehead while putting his head in her lap and crying all at the same time.

"You did it. Alec you won."

He barely made out a smile before everything went dark.

Holy guacamole! I get the intensity of this chapter while writing it! I think I did an okay job at describing the fight. keep in mind I'm not badass and don't exactly know how it all goes but I tried my best. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
EYM xxx

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