(5)Forbidden Table.

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5.Forbidden Table

After school had ended she walked over to her cousins car. They were waiting for her and as she got in they both bombarded her with questions.

"Oh my gosh! I heard you were with the bad boy skipping class!" Annabelle screamed.

"What?" Amelia was confused.

"What did you guys do?"


"I don't think she has a clue what we are talking about." Annabelle said to her brother.

"Let's try this again. Mel did you or did you not walk into music style with the biggest bad boy in school?"

"You mean Alec?"

"Yes that's who I mean. How do you know him?"

Amelia didn't want to worry them so she said a simple white lie.

"Oh I was lost in the hallways and he offered to help me find class because he was going there."

They both gave her suspicious looks since they knew Alec wasn't the kind of guy to do that. He and Jack Denifers stuck as a two pair only although Jack was pretty popular and friendly unlike Alec.

"Fine then don't tell us." Annabelle said.

"But I just did." Amelia answered.

Annabelle and Max shook their heads at their cousin and decided to drop the subject.

*The Next Day*

Amelia's woke up and did everything that day as usual and finally it was time for lunch. She was walking behind Annabelle and Max when she realized they were going to the "popular" people table and cringed. She didn't fit in at all there. So without them noticing she found an empty table (surprisingly) towards the end of the school lunch area and sat down to eat. After a couple of minutes of enjoying her sandwich a random guy sat in front of her.

"Hey there gorgeous I'm Jack and you are?"

"Amelia. It's nice to meet you."

"You too. So not to sound like I don't want you here because believe me I do but what are you doing at my table?"

"I-I'm sorry I didn't know I was just looking for a quieter place to eat."

"It's totally cool. You can sit with us."


"Oh yeah." Jack said while looking behind Amelia.

She turned around and her eyes widened as she saw the person who was coming towards the table; it was Alec. Holy cookies she thought. He walked up to them and looked at Jack then at Amelia and then Jack again and back to her.

"Mind explaining what the hell she's doing at our table?"

"Relax man. The poor girl is shaking from fright already she's just going to sit with us you won't die."

Alec sighed and sat down next to Jack. He didn't have a lunch so Amelia assumed he just didn't eat at school.

"So how long have you been going here? I haven't seen you around."

"Oh this is only my second day but I've been in town for about three weeks." She smiled sadly and Jack didn't seem to notice but Alec did.

He knew there was someting different about this girl. She didn't seem like the average girl. Bubbly, happy, etc. Alec was staring at her and Amelia began to grow a bit uncomfortable so he stopped. Jack continued to make small talk and Amelia didn't really pay much attention and neither did Alec. They just sat quietly and listened to him.

Brriinng Brriinng

"Oh I should get going. I guess lunch is over."

"What do you have next?" Jack asked Amelia.

"Um, I have music."

"That's what Alec has! I'm sure he won't mind walking you right Alec?"

Alec mumbled a sure and got up. Amelia stood up after him and they started walking towards their class.

"So um how come you don't like to talk to people much?" she asked as they were walking toward their class.

"Because I hate mindless conversations. If you want to talk to me then have a reason to." he replied.

Amelia nodded and whispered a quiet, "Oh." I guess I don't really have a reason to talk to him she thought and they walked into the class quietly.

How was this chapter guys???? Did you guys like it? you finally met Jack!


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