(21) So Good...

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(21) So Good...

Up at top/side there's a picture of Amelia and Alex together. My professional photoshop skills. I'm kidding definitely not professional. And I'm also very sorry that it took me so long to update.

Alec opened his eyes and quickly shut them again. He realized that he was in the hospital but couldn't understand why the hell they made the lights so bright if they knew that patients would wake up like this? He slowly opened them again and tried to sit up when he saw Amelia in a chair next to him sleeping, but groaned in pain and gave up. He squeezed her hand that was holding his and she woke up abruptly.

"Alec!" She yelled and started kissing all over his face and finally his lips. He didn't mind but he couldn't touch her since everything kind of hurt. They finally pulled back and she sat back down on the chair grinning.

"You're okay." she breathed.

"It would seem that way."

"I'm so glad you're awake."

"Yes I can tell that you're so glad you decided to attack my face."

She grumbled and hit his shoulder to which he groaned again.

"Oh my god Alec I'm so sorry I totally forgot you were hurt. Crap, stop making me irritated."

Alec rolled his eyes at her and took a deep breath. He couldn't believe he had done it. Those terrible seconds where he thought he would fail. He shook his head when he saw Amelia staring curiously at him and decided not to think about that right now and just focus on the beautiful girl in front of him that he knew how he felt for now.

Amelia saw Alec staring at her and shyly smiled at him.

"Thank you." she said.

"For what?" He asked.

"For saving me. I know you had the choice to back out-" she paused, "But you didn't. And for that I will be forever grateful to you." She smiled as she finished her little speech.

Alec lay in the hospital bed silently for a moment just looking at her.

"You know, that's the first time I've ever seen you smile." He finally said.

"What do you mean? I smile plenty." She replied with a confused face.

"Yeah you do, but that right there was a real Amelia smile. None of that fake smiling stuff you usually do. So please tell me as to why only now while I'm laying in a hospital bed are you actually smiling for real."

Amelia laughed at how that must of seemed like she was smiling because he was hurt. She took his hand in her own.

"I think that when you actually went through with the fight and had enough strength to win, it made me realize that someone really does care about me and not because of pity since my parents died. But, actually really cares just because I'm me." She stated quietly.

He picked her hand up to his mouth and kissed it.

"I'll always care Amelia. Always."

She smiled at him again and they sat in a comfortable silence until the doctor came in to check on him.

It turned out that Alec got hurt pretty bad so he had to stay in the hospital for the next 2 weeks so that they could make sure he started his healing process and then after he was let out from the hospital he would heal completely and then get physical therapy to help him go back to normal.

Amelia walked into the room marked B13 and smiled at Her boyfriend. When he had asked her a few days ago it wasn't anything big but it was sweet. Since he was still in the hospital he had Jack bring him her favorite flowers which he probably knew with the help of Annabelle who was squealing when she said yes.
Alec smiled right back at Amelia when she walked in with Chinese food.

"Do you know that you are the absolute best person in the world. I have wanted Chinese food for so long." He grinned and dug into his food.

Amelia laughed slightly and began eating her own food.

"You know I just can't wait until I'm out of here and we can go on a proper date." Alec said.

"Slow down, you still need physical therapy and such. I don't want you to collapse because you knees give out or something while we are on our date." she replied.

"Just because I broke both my legs doesn't mean they can't be fixed. You know that they already performed surgery on them and they are just waiting for my arm to heal a bit so they can do that and then I can finally leave."

"I know." she sighed, " I just don't want you to get hurt any more."

"I won't." He took her hand and kissed the top of it, "Now cheer up. Aren't you supposed to make a hospital patient happy?"

Amelia rolled her eyes at him. "I think you're plenty happy."

Alec opened his mouth to say something but closed it when he saw his mother run into the hospital room. Her eyes widened at the sight he was in and quickly turned from angry to worried.

"Oh darling. You had me so darn worried I almost had a heart attack. You never came home and so I thought maybe you were spending the night somewhere but you usually call and I started looking for you and no one ever bothered to call me?!" She finished her rant that made close to no sense.

"Babe you didn't call my mom?" Alec asked Amelia with an amused look on his face.

Amelia wanted to face palm herself. She had told everyone close to them except his mother! How did that even slip her mind?!

"I'm so sorry Nora. I was so worried about everything it must have completely slipped my mind. God I'm so sorry, you must have been going out of your mind." Amelia said.

Nora shook her head and smiled lightly at Amelia. She then turned her attention to her son.

"Alec, are you alright? I figured you did whatever you needed to do since you aren't dead and she here?" She said and pointed at Amelia.

"Yes mom, everything okay. We are all okay." Alex replied.

She nodded and it seemed like a weight was lifted off her shoulders.

"I'm so glad you're both okay. And Alec you aren't fighting anymore. period. there will be no negotiations."

Alec nodded obediently at his mother He was glad that it was all over and he would get to enjoy time with his girl. Amelia walked over to him and kissed his cheek.

"I'm going to go call Annabelle and you can chat with your mom." She told him.

"Alright, be back soon okay? I'll miss you too much if you take to long." he replied.

Amelia grinned and kissed him on the lips before waving to Nora and walking out of the room.

After she walked out he glanced at his mom who was looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

"So, when did this happen?" She asked.

Alec groaned and began to tell her the story.

Hey lovelies!!! don't worry the book is far from over yet I just thought we needed a break from drama for a bit(:

EnjoyYourMoment xx

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