Chapter 7

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*DISCLAIMER: I do not own the lyrics or song within this chapter. This piece belongs to the Bee Gees and is called 'How Deep is Your Love'.

The walls of the Labyrinth and the castle all shook as soon as I felt the jolt. The door opened quicker than I thought humanly possible. I was met with two mismatched blue-green eyes and a blond mullet.

"My sweet! What's the matter?" Jareth walked in, standing in front of me as I placed a hand upon the top of my stomach.
"Something is going to ruin tonight's ball." Jareth chuckled and frowned before changing back to a grin.
"Not on my account dearest."

Jareth couldn't understand what or who would want to ruin the ball. Everyone was going to have a pleasant time dancing and enjoying food cooked by the goblins from the kitchen department. And not to mention the fairies and their string instruments made out of moonbeams. He left the room, removing his gloves after closing the door to my chambers as the walls shook once again. A voice he knew well whispered into his ear.

"Jareth, tonight is the night."
"Yes Labyrinth."
"You need to keep Lady Bernadette as the Queen of our kingdom. She's the flower of the kingdom. Keep her safe, it's imperative that you do so." Jareth nodded, entering his chambers to have himself dressed for the ball.

Lucy finished adjusting the corset on the gown I was ready to wear to the ball.
"Now Bernadette, it is suggested you wear this colour in order for you to match the King's colour."
"Which colour is he wearing?" I was geniunely curious as to why I was wearing gold. Many colours went with gold like violet or blues. I'd have to wait.
My hair was fixed in a half up and half down fashion, with brown curls framing my face. Subtle make up was applied by Lucy and her partner Lily who chose neutral colours to match my dress. Finally. I was ready to go.

I was escorted to the ballroom by Lucy who told me to have fun and enjoy myself. Upon entering, there were many people mingling, dancing or simply enjoying food. There was no sign of Jareth, but the feeling I had within me grew, tying my stomach in knots and making me nervous.
"May I present: Jareth the Goblin King!" I saw him emerge, wearing a shimmering navy blue suit with black boots. His hands were bare, his pale skin showing to match the contrast of his face. He looked immaculate.
He saw me leaning to the side, beckoned me towards him and smiled.
"Hello precious! You look absolutely stunning tonight." Jareth kissed my hand, noting the tiniest shade of pink upon my face as he whispered, "Let's introduce you to the kingdom."

I was led to a podium almost, a platform was raised from the rest of the ballroom as I found myself beside Jareth.
"May I have your attention please!" Everyone looked our way, their expressions of curiosity, jealous or a small grin.
"May I present Lady Bernadette to all of you. She is your Queen." I immediately felt anxious. My throat wanted to close up so I couldn't speak. I felt myself shaking as everyone applauded.
Next thing I knew, I was being led to the dancefloor, my hands feeling a shock of electricity fly through them as I found Jareth's eyes locked onto mine, "May I have this dance milady?" I nodded, a small 'yes' escaping my lips as we began swaying.

The string ensemble's music had changed, like it had magically intertwined with what I was thinking of. The key changed and flowed so well that before I could even think, I began to sing:

"I know your eyes in the morning sun,
I feel you touch me in the pouring rain,
And the moment that you wander far from me
I wanna feel you in my arms again,"

Jareth's expression changed to tenderness in his eyes. An expression I had never seen before. I could see the fairies in the corner of my eyes all watching and lighting up with glee before they continued on with the chorus:

"And you come to me on a summer breeze,
Keep me warm in your love and then softly leave,
And it's me you need to show,
How deep is your love?"

I felt a new sensation coursing through my veins. I felt tingly, light-headed and warm as I continued. The next thing I heard was the doors to the ballroom being thrown open with so much force that gasps filled the entire room, as did frantic whispering. I stood up straight and tensed up, that gut feeling returning after Jareth's hands had left mine. At once, I had never felt so weak. Or angry.

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