Chapter 17

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A/N: This is the last chapter guys! I really hope you've enjoyed reading this. Thank you so much for reading. :)

"A-Are you sure? I mean, we don't have to." I took his hands, "I haven't even got what I'm going to wear yet. The tailors are still working on it."

Jareth smiled. If there was any day he was going to marry his queen, why couldn't it be today? The labyrinth had sensed something was going to take place that was going to be magical, otherwise half of the flowers in this rose garden would not have been as pure in colour, aromatic or even alive. it's been many years since this garden had ever looked so magnificent.
"Bernadette..." He shushed me with a finger, "You need not change your attire for me."
"But-" He continued shushing me.
"You look beautiful right now. As you are. The lilac in your gown brings out your eyes. Your hair is done to perfection in a way that any young woman would want to have it. The loose curls in the wind and the smell of strawberries in your hair drives me crazy. You are as beautiful today, as you were the first time I saw you. I could ravish you right here, you are that beautiful." I blushed, parting my lips to speak, only to get interrupted with a kiss, "I love you Bernadette. If any day could be more suitable to allow our bindings to become one, it would have to be right here. Right now."

I found myself glancing at him in surprise, surely this couldn't mean anything. What about the ball? Everything was planned meticulously. Surely this could wait until tonight. Right?
"Jareth, what about the ball?"
"What about the ball darling? Our guests have already arrived. We merely have to greet them." Sure enough, there were people all around us that were waiting for me to be introduced. I was unsure how many times my name had to be mentioned as I did the best I could to hold poise and be as worthy of a queen to our guests as I could.
"Could I have everybody's attention please?" Everything had stopped, the music, the chatter, everything. I found my eyes gazing up at the High King and Queen as they called out to the guests. I was honestly quite surprised to see the both of them there, as I knew they were quite disapproving of our situation, "I would like to lead the binding ceremony of the King and Queen of the Goblin Kingdom. Would the couple please stand with their hands held in the middle of the garden?"
Jareth and I followed the instructions given as we began to be lead through the ceremony. Before I could ask him how the High King and Queen actually approved, he sent me a smile that could almost kill me. I felt the magic swirl around our wrists, leaving our hands tingling as the rituals were completed, "You may now kiss your bride Jareth."
A kiss filled with utmost passion and love left my lips tingling. I could almost hear the fireworks going off as the tears of joy streamed down my face. My hands found their place upon the Goblin King's cheeks, just holding his smiling face as he took one hand.

"May I present to the kingdom, Queen Bernadette of the Goblin Realm." I smiled at Jareth as everybody cheered, my eyes twinkling with so much love, that I thought my heart had siblings.

This was the start to an amazing life, and the night was definitely filled with a LOT of celebration. The festivities were only just beginning.

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