Chapter 1

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The day was magical, thriving with sunlight as the birds began to chirp. The sun chose its victim, picking on a poor woman who was reluctant to get out of bed. Peeking through the nylon curtains, I stirred in my bed and turned my alarm off as it rang pestering me.

"Today's the big day Tommy!" I have to perform at school today!" I stroked my tabby cat lovingly, grinning bigger as he purred.

Making a grab for my dressing gown, I threw the fluffy garment over my shoulders, leaving my room groggily towards the kitchen. As I waited in anticipation for the toaster to complete its work, I lazily pulled out some butter and Vegemite and painted the bread with my knife. I eagerly rushed around the house, searching everywhere for that one book that I took to school with me everywhere. 'Labyrinth' was its name and it was the most wonderful book I'd ever put my nose into. I sighed contentedly as I read the 'Peach Dream' scene, silently wishing that I could have an amazing night like that but knowing my luck it was impossible. A loud screech beckoned me towards the window and I couldn't help but chuckle, "Back for your peach sweetheart?"

I never could comprehend why this beautiful creature visited me daily. A barn owl could eat peaches? My thoughts exactly. I couldn't stop smiling every time it dropped by, it always had a regal quality to him. He'd puff out his chest if I ran out of peaches.
As I watched him hop off the branch and soar into the wind, I headed to my room to ready myself for today's event. I hastily changed into a long black dress with matching shoes before pulling my hair up into a fancy updo. My school encouraged professionalism amongst all the music students and to be fair, my teacher often abides by that rule himself. I jumped into the car, oblivious to the dark brown eyes of a watching owl.

I pulled into the car park, blasting Van Halen's new album, 'A Different Kind of Truth' and stopped the car hesitantly. Closing the boot with a thump, I carried my guitar to the performing arts space eagerly, ready to blow them away.
"Hey! You look great!" I turned around to see my music teacher, Mr Page grinning at me.
"Thanks sir!" I paused to unclasp my guitar case, pulling my baby into the limelight, "Do you know who'll be playing first?" He nodded, glancing down at the roll momentarily.
"You're up first kiddo!" I took a deep breath and stepped out on stage, putting my breathing exercises into effect.
"I'll be singing 'Quiet Please There's A Lady On Stage' by Peter Allen. As you can see, I have no ensemble to play with." I played the piece anxiously, worried for obvious reasons. The first being that I didn't have an ensemble, the second was Mr Page had high expectations of me, and the third. His name was Adam. Adam McDonald. He was my crush for who knows how long and here I was, stuffing up majorly. I played the last arpeggio and listened to the applause before being beckoned over by my teacher.

I stood nervously in front of him, shifting my feet as he spoke.
"You see Bernadette, I can't mark you in the top category as the criteria only has that for ensembles." I nodded, my stomach creating knots as big as Tasmania.
"I'm sorry for crying sir, I had a bad night's sleep last night and I just don't feel my best today." He nodded signalling that everything was ok before continuing.
"If it's ok with you, I'd like to rehearse with you on Friday and mark you on Monday. How does that sound?"
"It sounds great sir. Thank you." I paused to dry my eyes, "You don't mind if I take a moment in the bathroom do you sir?" He shook his head, motioning that I could use it and gave me the space I needed.

I ran to the bathroom and locked myself inside a cubicle, sobs escaping my throat after the veil upon my eyes lifted to release the tears. I looked at myself, "I'm so stupid." I continued to cry, wondering if the words were able to be said before whispering, "I wish the Goblin King would take me away... Right now..."

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