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" whats the point of living if your gonna be treated like this?" mikey thought allowed.

He hated being treated like this. he just wanted to protect his brothers. what he did last night, was for a reason. he didn't want to mess anything up but of course, he got yelled at and got smacked across his head three times. He sighed.

mikey sat on his cold floor hugging his knees. his baby blue eyes went dull. he thought about running away but he wasn't sure. he decided not to. he would just cut. It made him relax anyway.

he wanted the pain to go away. he didn't like the pain at all. he would have bad dreams at night, so he would wake up and cry and cut. he would be up for hours thinking about the dream. Ever since they started treating mikey the way he is being treated right now, he wondered;

" why am I living?"

He asked that question a lot. Cuz why was the reason why he was living If he was being treated like this?

Mikey laid flat on his cozy, messy bed. He wanted to scream so he just screamed in his bed sheets so know one can hear him.

He then lifted his head up and put his hands on his face. His head herded badly cuz of all the thinking. Mikey yawned and closed his eyes and fell right to sleep...

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