Crossing lines might feel good

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DECEMBER 14, 2017.
3:35 AM

the low sound of music pounding at the walls of a club nearby filled the emptiness of the streets. kwon bopped his head to the beat as he drifted the sidelines of the cracked sidewalk. kwon was trying to find a sense of inspiration that he was lacking, something he wasn't known for. He frustratingly noted words into his leather songbook, frequently scribbling out unuseful words.

within his lips hung a cigarette, lightly bobbing up and down as he wrote. the night felt endless yet fast to kwon; not from the fact of streetlights flickering about yet the fact that he wasn't able to create.

whateverー he won't know when to give it a rest or take time to collect his racing thoughts. But this was one of the few times he did. shoving his songbook into the back pocket of his jeans, sighing; hating the fact he gave up.

he tugged his pen at the shell of his ear, pointing the stick between his lips to the sky.

kwon laced his fingers with the dark locks of his hair; in a somewhat tick-like matter, needing the comfort to relax his raising emotions. trying to remember the last time he had his lighter. his hands patting away at his form; the abstinence of the precious item causes the young male to let out a series of unpleasing swans.

fuck! Not this againー kwon pulled the stick away from his lips, taking hold of the cigarette. He felt the thin paper dance within his fingertips, drawing a sigh of defeat before shaving it into the pocket of his jacket. he hopped, no; he wanted to feel the smoke steal every breath he wasted on words of unfulfilling conversations, he wanted such beauty back.

a sudden slap to the back was greeted to his skin, stealing him from his daze of self of pity. a small groan mixed with pain and annoyance slipped from his lips, forcing his concentration on the person.

"you need to stop smoking dude," lime grunted. she always hated the smell of smoke, it reminded her of nights at the club where men made it feel large with drunk promises and empty eyes that would cast over her body. yet he wore it like a dream, inhaling him until she became a fool off his smoke.

she tugged her hands into the pockets of his coat, letting herself lean into the body of the older male. a soft smile dancing along her two-toned glossed lips. kwon watched as the female became comfortable with him. "You know it's cold out here, no need for your lungs to suffer twice."

"yeah and?" He cocked a brow up at her; staring at her sparkling yet exposing two-piece she had on. Her glitter-covered lids shimmered as she blinked away the wind from drying out her intoxicated eyes.

"plus you knew better than to come out here with your dance fit" kwon muttered to her, earning a sarcastic chuckle from her. kwon didn't hate nor love her attention. He feared her slightly; so much to the point of studying her, knowing all her tricks and plays like an actor with a script. she would do things slowly yet to another person's eyes, quick like lightning. she was a smooth talker, almost as if she invented the tongue. her eyes were like bait to these clueless people; they would shine with endless seduction.

"boy mind your business about what's on my body" lime nagged, rolling her eyes at his comment, pulling her body closer to his for the sack of her warmth. Smiling down at her as the smell of her faded perfume made an entrance to his nose. kwon knew her so well to the point where he fell, even knowing all her mistreatment and using ways, he was stupid enough to dare.

"Once I'm in the grave i'll stop." kwon snorted, finding it amusing to witness her care. he wrapped his arm around her shoulders; embracing her chilling body. a light 'thank you' spilled from her lips as the two stood within the body-less street. the laughter that poured from jokes, playing off the simplicity of being with one another.

"and ill be laughing at your dead self so you can't rest." lime teased; sticking out her blue-covered tongue; showing she enjoyed the free drinks her customers loved to drench her in. Rolling his eyes at her comments before throwing out a small bit of laughter at her comment.

"hey, kwon." lime called out causing the atmosphere
to thicken with intensity between them. the low sound of police sirens mixed with the hard and loud bass of the club music filled the silence between them. kwon frowned his brows; thoughts of possible accidents that occur at such a time worried him yet lead to irritation soon after. forcing his attention to the smiling lime.

he knew that smile all too well; his chest feeling the exceptionally typical butterflies.

"yeah, what's up?" kwon muttered, he watched as lime exposed her white pearls in a slightly wider smile. she slowly flattered her long lashes in a haunting way. as if he knew what she wanted to do before she spoke it.

"kwon, you wanna come over?"

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