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Im sorry for the late update, Minna-san. 

uhm, I felt like some who tried to read this stopped at the first 200 or so words, my grammar sucked. The flow of the story sucked. Just.. everything sucked, but please, at least bear with me. This is my first story and I never imagined myself to publish one. Everything just felt so good in my head but when I start to write in in paper, or wattpad or in my notepad, it just doesnt look good. I hope you can help me with my writing skills. 

and, here it goes. Please, enjoy.


Light's POV:

"Ryuzaki, uhm .." I started just enough for him to hear me but still looking at the monitor. From my peripheral , I saw him looked at me, so I faced him. "Uhm, you want to go out? .. Uhm , I mean, take a break?"

"Yeah, sure" and he stood up. I followed him.

"So, where'd you want to go?"

"Cake shop. You said last night you'll buy me a cake." he said and faced me.

"Y-yeah. L-last night." I feel my cheeks hot. Damn. Im blushing! I looked at him and he also is blushing. Awkward! "F-forget about it. L-lets go."

"Wow! So may cakes! I like this!" he said as he point on the chocolate cake. "Oh, no, this one!" he pointed the black forest cake. "Oh no, no! I'd prefer this!" as he point on the strawberry shortcake right side where it cant be seen easily. "Please give me extra strawberries for this. And tea with extra cream." he said and look at me. "What's yours , Light-kun?"

" Just coffee and a slice of blueberry cheesecake." I said and drag him at the corner of the shop.

We sat in there. Silently. No one wanted to break the silent atmosphere.

' I need to say something.'



"Oh, come on . Ryuzaki. What is it?" I asked him.

"Uhm. Well, I just w-want to know..." he looked up at me. Stared at my eyes. There again, I saw his gray eyes. His beautiful gray eyes. But what do I see in there? I s that pain, and sadness? " what's with us."

"Uhh. Y-yeah. Us." and there, the server served our orders. I thanked her before staring back at Ryuzaki. "About us. Well, uhm. I-if you w-want to be my, uh.. Uhm.. B-boyfriend."

'hey , Light. You've been stuttering so long. What's with you. Its just L.' my conscience talks to me again.

'Of course I'll stutter. As you said, its L. The world's greatest detective...My enemy!.. And my beloved.' answered my conscience again.

"Boyfriend? M-me and Light-kun?" Ryuzaki asked. Now, the pain and sadness I saw in his eyes are now gone. Yet, changed with confusion and nervousness! Oh, so the great detective can become nervous in this situation eh?

"Yes, Ryuzaki. Will you be my boyfriend?" I asked him again. He blushed. And answered me with a nod. "What, Ryuzaki. Tell me." my voice teasing him.

"Y-yes. Yes, Light-kun! I'd like to be your boyfriend!" he answered me. Intently looking into my eyes. Slowly, a smile formed on my face upon hearing his answer.

"Hahahahahaha!" Ryuk laugh, "is that true, Light? Are you sure about this?! Are you so damn in love with that detective?! How about you being the God of the new world?!"

' Shut up, Ryuk.' I wanted to yell him that but I cant since Im looking at Ryuzaki. Seems like the shinigami understood and left.

I slowly stand up and crashed my lips on his lips. I dont care whether people in the cafe might see us. Damn, Im so proud of my self! I got the world's greatest detective's heart!

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