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Staring at the crowd... that day, I was making my speech of how Hoseok is special to me. I told them our good times together. It was wonderful. I blame myself for all of this. It's all my fault.

I should've died, not him. I love him, but I don't think I ever said that to him.

He was my hope.


"Y/n, you know you should join the club, it's pretty fun in our club." Hoseok exclaimed. He was chasing me, after I embarrassed myself in the crowd of students. It was the second time we both met, but I don't fully know him. I'm not that type of person who put my trust in someone

"I don't want to be here! I don't belong here! I'm just a transfer student. And it's been a week. And you thought we're friends! Just leave me alone. Please!" You shouted making Hoseok stop on his tracks.

"I thought we we're friends. You were my first friend. No one likes me here. They all think I'm weird and immature. I don't belong here neither." He said, making you look back with tears in your eyes.

*sniff* "My name's Y/n." You said, taking a full step towards him.

Your heart beat was fast, your thoughts are scrambled, he made you happy.

"I'm Hoseok. Nice to meet weird girl." He smiled at you. You didn't realize you were smiling too.

His name was Hoseok. He's my hope and my angel. He saved my life.

"Come by my house. At eight, we'll have a chit-chat. I want to get to know more about you. I'll text you my address." He said handling you his number.

"Message me if you're ready." He said and winked at you.


He's so special. Every single day, he made me so happy. He was my everything.

Standing in a crowd of Hoseok's family members, made me worse.

"Okay." You said and waved at him while running to the opposite direction.

You rode back to your house and ready yourself for later. You wanted to get to know him as well.

I want his presence.

I lay down on my bed as I started to dial his phone, saving his number in my contacts.

Then, you started typing words.

[Hey, it's me Y/n. I'm ready message me as soon as you get this. Bye. See you soon.]

I turn off my phone and lay back down my bed while staring at the plain white ceiling above me.

What will he want to talk about?
What does he mean that he doesn't belong here neither?
What do he meant all along?
A lot of question run in my head. Suddenly out of blue my phone vibrates.

[Hey, it me. Hoseok. This is my address. Herandel sts. lot 2 blk 4. See you soon. :-)]

That was fast. I thought. I chuckled but the crowd was serious. I cleared my throat and continued.

I quickly took my car keys and drove to the address. It was not so hard to find his house.

It was huge, and elegant to human eyes.

[I'm outside your house. Are your parents around?]

[Yeah, I'll be there. They're not home, on vacation.]

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