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He told me he loves me.

He told me. I need to wake up.

I need to accept everything.

That Hoseok is dead.

(Jin's P.O.V)

She sleeps peacefully in my arms. She plead for me to stay and she wanted me stay with her.

I don't feel good about this.

I feel her heart beat. I can feel her suffering.

I need to do something, not just comfort her. I need to do something more.

I don't feel good.

This is painful.

I just want to take her with me, and let her forget about everything that had happened.

(Your P.O.V)

I couldn't sleep.

Everything hurts.

Jin is doing everything that Hoseok had done to me.

He is bringing back everything.

I hate this feeling.

I hate this day.

I hate that day.

I hate my life.

I just want to die.

I want to see him.

He was my hope. And now that he's gone. I can't help but think of him.

I loved him.

I still do

But every day I spend my time with Jin, I'm getting more confused.

Is this what Hoseok want?

Does he want me to love Jin?

Did he really die for a reason?

What is his purpose?

Why did I even met Hoseok, if he's going to leave me.

I'm not really sure of who I am now.

I don't feel good.

I miss him.

I miss Hoseok.

I miss my hope.

I miss him so much...

I want to die.

Everything felt so right... that time when I cut my wrist, when I bleed to death, when I slowly drown on my own blood... everything was so right.

I want to feel it again... I want to lay on my bed, full of blood and tears.

I want to feel those things again...

I want to kill myself... to be with Hoseok again...

But it looks like, Jin is saving me. He is healing me.

But it doesn't feel right.

I want to be with Hoseok. I don't want to live in this crappy world.

This is too harsh... and I don't know If I can take it anymore.
(Jin's P.O.V)

Not everything can be healed through comfort. Sometimes we just need to wake up to this reality and accept the did.

He told me everything's that's going to happen that day...

He knew what's going to happen to him...

He saved Y/n. He sacrificed.

He loves her so much...

He told me he would do everything for her...

He was killed by a man who was planning to kill Y/n.

He told the man before he could kidnap Y/n and kill her for business purposes.

He told the man that.... "just take me. Kill me. Instead of her. I know you just want to kill an innocent person for fun. So just kill me. Not her." He called me before he was killed. Murdered.

He really loves Y/n that he would do everything for the sake of her safety.

And she doesn't know anything about that.

Should I tell her?

She's suffering...

She needs to know...

She needs to let go...

She needs to wake up...













She needs me.

She needs hope.

She deserves everything...

She was loved...

Hoseok loves her...

He always does.

And he always will...

(Your P.O.V)

Opening my eyes...

Jin whispered...

"Wake up. Hoseok loves you so much... but he needs you to move on... he wants you to smile once again... he wants you to remember him..."

While he was whispering those words...

He told me everything...


It still hurts...

He told Jin... everything...

I promised to him...

I will always keep smiling...

He was my hope...

And will always be...

I love you Hoseok...

I opened my eyes...

"My hope." I smiled. Placing the bouquet of flowers on Hoseok's tombstone.

The end.

Sorry if it was short or late.

Finally, my book has ended.

Saranghae for all my supporters.

A sad ending eh?


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