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Reckoning to his personalities, I love the way of him being himself every time his with me.

We always spend our time talking and praising each other by our inequalities and uniqueness.

I once told him about the death of my older brother. Of how he died in an accident. Hoseok always comfort me and told me anything to motivate and bring positive thoughts in me.

He was always there for me. I love him for who he was.

He was my everything.

It was fine then, until he was taken away from me. Taken the life of who completed my whole world. Now I have nothing, nothing but bunch of scraps and garbage.

"Because I want her to see me dance." He said, Out of blue.

"So? We have plenty of practices we don't need her here." Said the pale one. With his arms across his chest. I rolled my eyes.

"You know, I can help you. I dance too. " I said. Hobi's eyes widened.

"Whaaat!?" He exclaimed. I sigh, nodding. He smiled.

"Chincha!? Can you show us!' The tall guy said. His eyes full of excitement and cheerfulness.

It Was Then... I never danced ever since my older brother died. And now here I am dancing once again, expressing my feelings through dancing. It was a relief to dance again.

But that day also was not a good day. My phone rung in an expected time.

I stopped and excuse myself, answering the call... I heard my mother screaming her lungs out as she begs for help.

Then, a man's voice took over the phone.

"Bring me Hoseok or I'll kill your mother. Come at 8 o'clock in the afternoon tomorrow with Hoseok. No cops or anything that could harm me. Only few hours left for you to bring Hoseok." I gasped. They gathered around me and ask questions as they knew that I've troubled into something.

"My mother got kidnapped and He wants you Hoseok." I said. I hugged him tight and whispered into his ears.

"I'll never leave you. I love you Hoseok. I promise you." I said as I give him a peck on his cheeks. He Smiled.

"I won't leave you too. I'll protect you." He said and kiss my forehead. Wrapping his arms around my neck. "I love you more we will save her." He said bringing his hands on my waist.


It was then...

that day he became my hope in every trial we walk through. And that day... it was the day... I lost him.

It was all because of me. I didn't know this would happen. I know he was our hope. Our sunshine. But it wasn't right, he shouldn't have died. I should be the one in this funeral. It was all my fault.

Uh. I-I think I can't continue my speech. I-i should go.

I left the stage and run to my car, grabbing my keys and started the engine to drove away from his funeral. I should've died. Not him.

It was true. If it wasn't for me, he would have been here with me. I could've saved him that day.

I should...

A tear left my eyes as I look through my window. Seeing that a truck was headed on my way. I guess this is my fate anyways.

She stopped her car at the upcoming truck, that was about to hit her. Shutting her eyes close, she mentioned Hoseok's name.

I love you Hobi. I'll be with you soon.

Finally, the truck has hit her.

Her vehicle tumbled around and she happened to survive the accident.

Eerie sound...

Am I dead?

I Wish I am...

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