Chapter 10

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Two thoughts Simultaneously swam through Betty's mind; who is the HE? and how did Mr James know she was still in the school's premises?.

She got to the proprietor's office and with fright in her hand she knocked twice.

"come in." replied a voice from inside the office as she slowly turned on the knob and opened the door. As she entered, James lifted up his head from the paper work his was busy with only to see Betty silently close the door behind and standing staring at him like she was waiting for an order.
"Miss Hackerman...please have a sit." he said gesturing her to sit down. Betty slowly walked to the chair on the left side of the table and sat down. "you must be wondering why I called you and how I knew you were still in the premises?." he asked as she nodded in agreement. " Last night I saw walk into the maze leading to the staff's quarters. Then next, I saw you walking behind Silas to his room. Now the reason why I called you...Elizabeth you are a very important image to HIM..."
"you mean the HE right?." Betty asked as James furrowed his eyebrows in surprise.
"How did you know that?" he asked.
"I had a conversation with the professor not quite long." she replied
" What did he tell you?." he asked.
" He said I needed to be very careful because if anything happened to me HE will have your heads...hearts." she said trying to recall the threat Howard told her of if anything bad happened to her.
"Well that mans I have nothing more to say. You can leave but please stay out of trouble." he said as Betty stood up and left.

...and stay out of trouble. How did he expect her to stay out of trouble?, it isn't her fault that she has to picked on by blood thirsty vampire bullies. Besides she can't just let do as they please to her like she was theirs to keep. And again, two days ago she was given the choice of leaving within two hours or forever be doomed to "slavery", now she's become an idol to be protected. How things can change so fast in two days. But the good was that she didn't need to worry about Paul or Caroline who are on having for either breakfast, lunch or dinner. As she walked back to Silas' room, an announcement was made.
" Every strigoi should assemble at the banquet hall for short briefing."
On hearing banquet, Betty realised she hadn't eaten anything and her stomach began to growl. Then recalled the last three words...for a short briefing and she sighed.

At the banquet hall, every strigoi male and female, students and teachers, sat around eight long tables almost the length of the hall as awaited the arrival of the proprietor.
Soon, James mounted a podium and cleared his throat as the murmurings ceased.
" Good...afternoon everyone!" he said checking his watch to be sure of the hour of the day.
"Good afternoon sir!" the crowd chorused.
" Like I said this only will be brief meeting. You are all aware that the human girl did not make out of this academy in time. And according to rules, she should become one of us or else she faces the same fate as the other human that have accidentally stumbled upon this place within the few years!" he said "but the rules have been change.." . On hearing this the murmuring continued as students and teachers all wondered why the sudden change. At least everyone was wondering except the board members.
"...from now on the human girl Elizabeth Hackerman should not be harmed. Anyone who defiles this rule shall face my wrath and I mean anyone... Dismissed!" he said ending his speech as his got down from the podium and exiting the banquet hall leaving everyone in a state of shock.
"How can he just do that?" a student said>
"he might be the proprietor but he can just change a rule whenever he feels like" another student complained. Paul and Caroline's face were contorted with a frown. He had just ruined their fun. But Brian and Bella knew something wasn't right. He was their father and they know not to make irrational decisions. He had kept the law of no human given the grace of two hours to save their life doesn't utilise the chance should either be turned or be killed. This was to protect their specie, to protect the skeleton in the wardrobe that no one knew-only him did.

The clouds had darkened and the day turned into night. Just like every night, fifteen strigois went out to battle the Morois. Silas was always a top pick on the squad every night, but tonight was different.

As Betty sat on the bed chowing down on some hamburgers Silas had mysteriously gotten for her, the flunked open startling her. A dark figure stood at the entrance as it walked in. Betty's heart raced as it took a step forward. But hanks to lighting of the room by torches, the figure became clearer as it revealed itself as Silas.
"Silas!, you scared me I thought it was Paul or Caroline." she said as she let out a sigh of relief.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you" he said pulled a chair as he sat on it and began to unlace his shoe.
"It's okay." Betty said then continued her business the burger. There was graveyard silence as the only thing that could be heard was the fire crackling. Betty looked at his face and saw he appearance was quite moody. " Silas... is everything alright you look sad" she said with form of fear in her voice. She was already getting comfortable around him and he could sense it.
He let out a sigh like he had been holding his breath for hours then said " I was taken of the squad tonight and this will last for the next three battles we approaching."
Betty could here the sadness in his voice. "I'm sure this is because of what happened this afternoon. I'm sorry you had to be punished because of me." she said apologetically sober.
"It's not your fault, it's the fault of those stupid vampires that lack self control." He said trying to ease Betty of the guilt.
" I don't want to be a burden to you or Elena or Brian and everyone that has protected me this far" she said trying to be grateful.
" you're not a burden..." Silas said
"neither do I want to be your responsibility." she said cutting Silas through his sentence.
" what do you mean?" he asked trying to understand her.
" I want to be able to defend myself from Paul, Caroline and anyone that might try to hurt me." she said " I want to learn...I want to learn how to fight."

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