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"Oh, god..." you said, pain filling your words. The door opened slowly, or maybe everything seemed to be moving in slow motion, you couldn't tell. The door locked at its full upright position, the frost already melting, water dripping off the edges and making a puddle at your feet.
"No, no, no, this isn't right..." You said to yourself, holding back tears at the sight of your dead husband.
You grabbed his icy hand, letting go of your tears. They poured down your cheeks and mixed with the water on the ground.
"I'm sorry, honey," you said in between sobs. "I could have stopped them. I could have stopped this all from happening." You pressed your face into his cold chest. "But now everything I know is gone. You're gone, Shaun's gone. And it's my fault.." You said, your voice breaking. You gasped for air. Your throat felt swollen.
And there you sat, you couldn't remember for how long, sobbing, making empty apologies.
And there, you knew you would never love again.

Afire Love- Paladin Danse x Reader (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now