the molecular level, part 1

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guys i just want to say how happy i am that y'all read this book, i like feeling that people like my writing :) i know it can get super cringey and i don't update as often as i used to and sometimes my chapters aren't as good(ahem this one) but you guys still read them anyways and it literally makes me so happy ! ok that's all

"What do we do with it now?" you asked Danse as you sat on the roof of Greentech Genetics, holding the chip.
"I'm not sure," he said with a cautious tone. "We'll have to talk to Elder Maxson about it."
"Hm. Okay," you replied, lacing your fingers between his. You slouched back into his chest, listening to his heart beat. You shut your eyes and felt a hand trace the back of your neck, near you hairline. You sat in silence for a few moments. The breeze made a gentle background noise, one you could fall asleep to.
"Hey." He could feel that you were falling asleep and had taken to rubbing your shoulder. "We should call a vertibird."
"Yeah. Okay," you agreed, straightening your back. Danse has stood up completely, and was breaking open a signal grenade. He threw it to the ground as it left a trail of deep red smoke.
Within minutes, the plane arrived. It was as if it was waiting for your signal. You boarded it and it carried you towards the coast, back to the Prydwen.

"Were we successful?" Elder Maxson asked, laying his hands out across the table. You were meeting in his office today, which was unusual.
"Yes, sir. We recovered the courser chip and defeated the courser," Danse reported, laying it on the table.
"What do we need to do next?" you asked.
Maxson picked up the little device and held it between two fingers, examining it. "I don't know a lot of technology. But I know we can't do anything with it like this. We'll have to gain access to higher technology to use it." He handed the chip back to Danse, who zipped open one the pockets on his uniform and put it inside.
"What are you saying?" you questioned. "Don't we have that at the airport?"
He shook his head solemnly. "No. Not here. But I know where we can obtain it."
Danse widened his eyes in shock. "Elder. You're not saying that-"
"Yes, that's what I'm saying. If we're going to open this thing up, we need to contact the Railroad."
"Who's that?" you said in confusion.
"The Railroad is an organization that works in the dark because they're not strong enough to work in the light. Their mission is the exact opposite of ours- saving synths. That's why we're enemies," Danse explained, scowling.
"Oh," you said quietly. "How do we get in, then? If we're enemies."
"Thankfully, we do share common ground," Maxson said. "We both believe the Institute is a threat. We think Coursers are abominations. They think Coursers threaten their purpose as an organization. If we present the chip to them, we might be able to work together."
"Okay, I get it," you told him. "How do we find them? If they work in the dark, they're probably hard to find."
"They're definitely stowed away, but there is a trail for anyone wanting to find them. It's supposed to start near the Boston Common. If you follow it, it should lead you to their hideout."
"I like that," you said. "Easy. Straightforward."
Danse was nodding in agreement.
"Great. You're leaving in two hours." Maxson saw both of your shocked expressions. "We don't have any time to waste, especially since we're this close," he added to reason why he's making you go so soon.
"Thank you, Elder," Danse said gratefully.
"Ad Victoriam."
Once you has made it back to Danse's room, he started to show his emotions.
"Damn it!" he yelled, slamming his fist into a wall. "The last thing we need is the Railroad involved in this. Now they'll know what we're up to, and they'll try and stop us."
"Why didn't you tell Elder Maxson that?" you exclaimed.
"It's our only option," he sighed. "And maybe if we're discreet, they won't question why we need their help. Which is highly unlikely."
"Hey, hey," you said softly. "Don't worry. Things will work out." You put your hands on his shoulder blades and eased him into bed. You sat next to him and rubbed his muscular back with one hand and reached for his own with the other. "Things always work out." He started to breathe slower. You felt his muscles relax as you looked into his deep brown eyes. Then he started to smile.
"Okay. I trust you," he said, pulling a bit of hair from behind your ear and twirling it around his finger. He tucked it back, but his hand kept going. His palm put pressure on the back of your head as he pulled you closer and connected his lips to yours, spreading warmth through your body. You couldn't control your hands. They glided up his chest and rested just below his collarbones. Smiling, you both stopped to take a breath and went back in, rougher this time. You felt him tug gently on your upper lip, and your hand wandered onto his cheek, grazing his stubble. Slowly, you felt yourself, no, both of you, falling as one, drifting slowly until you laid side by side on the bed. Your leg tangled itself with his. He continued to kiss you sloppily until you needed to take another breath. You both leaned out. For a split second, you made eye contact with him. And then, you saw something different in his eyes. As he leaned back in, kissing you even harder this time, you knew he was ready for something more.
"D-Danse," you said tentatively, pulling back just enough to speak. You saw the concerned look in his eyes as he rushed back.
"Are you okay? Did I do something?"
"No. You're fine. It's just- I'm just-" You paused to think of a word. "I don't know. I guess I'm just tired right now."
"Oh." He looked ashamed, like he did something bad, like he hurt you, and his cheeks were flushed. "Well, you can go to bed, if you want. You have some time."
"Okay," you said sympatheticly. You stood up and ruffled his dark hair. "I'll see you in a bit."
When he didn't respond, you bent down to kiss his cheek. "I love you," you whispered is his ear.
You felt the corners of his cheeks turn up- slightly, but still a little bit. "Me too, love. Rest up."
You left his room, feeling guilty for cutting him down. It took you a while to fall asleep, but when you finally did, you slept light.

You woke up to a hand rubbing your side.
"Hmm?" you hummed sleepily.
"Time to get up," a voice rumbled. "You have to go now."
You blinked open your eyes. Elder Maxson.
"Paladin Danse is waiting for you on the Flight Deck."
You stood up and stretched. "Okay. I'll grab my armor, and head out." You started to walk away, but he stood in your path.
"Knight, I've been meaning to talk to you about something. You and the paladin seem to be getting even closer, even after I warned you about him your first day here. Do you need to tell me something?" He had taken on a stern tone.
You felt your heart racing. It was a wonder that he couldn't hear it. Your face was threatening to go red, and your breath hitched in your throat. "No. We're partners, and that's it."
He huffed out a deep breath. "I'm not completely sure about that. You two are on my watch. Don't think I don't notice the little things," he scowled and slipped away.
You gritted your teeth and frowned- you were being too obvious. You let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding and started going to the Flight Deck, completely forgetting your power armor.

a/n: i have a new 'book' out! it's not an actual book but if you want you can check it out. sorry for the short chapter the next one will be a lottt longer😬

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