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Yo this chapter is fuckin stupid the only reason it's here is bc I didn't want to get right into the next actual chapter so I thought why not stir up a lil drama while I'm at it? So that's basically the point of this chapter lol.
You had become used to the sounds of the engines kicking in now. The vertibird began to hover off the ground and turn so it was facing the Prydwen. It increased altitude until it was almost level with the airship. The plane glided smoothly through the air and docked in the same spot it took off. You jumped from aircraft with a heavy thud.
You saw Elder Maxson standing on the catwalk, blocking the way up the stairs. Soon Danse had joined you, his power armor clanking with every step.
"I heard you were successful," Elder Maxson greeted you two.
"That's correct, sir," Danse spoke up. "But the knight needs medical attention-"
"I do not!" you exclaimed.
"Yes, you do. You're lucky you got out of that building alive."
"And I did," you insisted. "And I'm fine."
"Both of you!" Maxson boomed. "Knight, Paladin Danse is your superior. If he thinks you need help, you need help. Go see Knight Captain Cade, he'll assess your condition. Meet me in the Command Deck afterwards for your next assignment."
He stepped aside to let you though and saluted. You and Danse copied the notion and you followed him up the stairs without a word. Through the door, up the ladder, and to Cade's clinic.
"Hey, Paladin, Knight. Mission went a little rough?" He was standing behind the counter with a stimpak in front of him.
"How did you know that?" you asked in shock.
He laughed. He sounded drowsy, almost. "Only good reason you're here. What did you need?"
"The Knight needs to be checked over," Danse said from behind you.
"I'll get right to it." He turned to you. "Mind taking off your power armor?"
You obeyed and stepped out of the armor.
"I'll wait outside," Danse said loudly, walking away. The door shut behind him.
"How do you feel?" Cade asked. He gazed over you with a predatory look in his eye, but you brushed it aside.
"I feel fine, really," you told him. "I think Danse is just overreacting." You glanced back at his desk. Was that a stimpak on the counter? It looked a bit big. A super stimpak, maybe.
"That's great," he said, his voice shifting a bit deeper.
"What, him overreacting?"
"No. That you're feeling fine." He had begun to give you a pat down, like a police officer looking for a possible weapon.
"Hey, Captain, are you feeling okay?"
"I'm feeling great," he replied, absent minded. His voice moved up at the end, almost like he was asking a question. He didn't even seem to be present. He had moved to your backside. He felt all the way down your spine, making you shiver. His hands moved around the curves of your waist, back up to your shoulderblades.
"You sure you're okay?" you said hesitantly.
His fingers went up your neck, tangled through your hair. All of the sudden he moved one hand to your lower back, grabbed your hair into a tight mid-ponytail, slammed your chest into the wall; and before you could scream Danse! he had moved his hand back up and tightened his grip on the sides of your neck, cutting off circulation to your head. You became dizzy fast, your foot shifted underneath you so he let go and then you felt his breath, cold, on the side of your neck before he latched on with his teeth. Your scalp burned from how he was holding your hair. The hand he dropped had roamed to your stomach, moving farther and farther down until you realized what was going on and screamed Danse again, your voice splintering like dried out wood, and in an instant you felt the burning sensation recede. You fell to the ground, your ears ringing, and turned behind you to see that Danse had pinned the captain against the wall. There was a smudge of blood on Cade's face already. Danse held him by the collar of his shirt with one arm, another arm pulled all the way back, a snake preparing to strike, and you were up in an instant, clinging to the paladin's shoulder, pleading please don't do this. He looked at you, your watery eyes and tear stained cheeks, lowered his arm. He tossed Cade to the side like a child bored with a toy doll. Turned to you. Left his armor to wipe the tears from your face. Pulled you in, pressed his cheek on your head, gently stroked your hair. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "I'm sorry I wasn't there. I wasn't there for you." You buried your face into his uniform, sniffled.
One minute later. "Why did you stop me?" he asked quietly.
You stared up at him and pointed to his desk. At the stimpak. At the physco. "It wasn't him," you explained. He went to the desk and tried to press the drug out of the syringe. Nothing came out. He put it back out the desk and looked at the floor. You followed his gaze to Cade, who hadn't moved since he was tossed aside. Unconscious.
"Come on," Danse said. "We're going to Elder Maxson."
"No," you said quickly. "Please don't. You don't have to."
"No, he made a severe infraction of what we stand for. If we don't do this, it'll happen again. We have to."
"We make 'severe infractions' every day," you whispered.
Danse opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it. Opened it again. "You don't have to come if you don't want to. You can stay in my room." He knelt down. "I'm only doing this because I want you to feel safe."
You nodded. "I'll wait for you in your room."
"Okay. I left the door unlocked. Wait there until I come back."

Afire Love- Paladin Danse x Reader (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now