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Five years.
For five years, you had been wandering the wasteland, looking for Shaun.
You wondered if you would ever see him again.
Nate scooped Shaun up and cradled him in his strong arms. "Who's my little guy?" He asked him, tickling his tummy. Shaun screamed in delight before Nate lifted him above his head and ran around the house, making plane noises. You laughed with them, but you were never far behind just in case he fell from your husband's arms. He never did, though. Nate never let go of him.
You blinked a few times, letting go of the old memory, and kept walking down the old road, which lead into a town. This place used to be Cambridge.
A quiet noise from your Pip- Boy distracted you for a minute. You raised it to eye level.
A new radio frequency, but it didn't show up like other signals. This was an emergency signal. A distress signal. You changed Diamond City radio and tuned into the cry for help.
You listened to the broadcast intently.
They need my help, you thought. They could die.
You drew your laser musket and cranked it a few times and started running to the police station.
You thought you were lost for a moment, but you heard the familiar sound of gunfire. Not normal weapons, though. Energy weapons. You followed the sound through an alley, which  put you right in front of the station.
The scene you had arrived to was a pitiful sight.  One man was laying at the steps of the station, badly wounded. Another one- a woman- was tending to him, making sure he was staying with her. And another, this one in power armor, was barely holding off the pack of ghouls trying to take the police station.
You knew what to do. You'd been through this many times before. You switched to your semi-automatic pipe pistol and started raining down on the pack of ferals. They were falling before they reached the barrier to the station. You landed one more blow to the head, and they were no more.
When the area was secured, the man in power armor turned to approach you. He took off his helmet before speaking to you. He had dark brown hair and hazel eyes. His face was worn, he had been through a lot as a soldier.
"Great work, civilian. I would question you, but I know better than to question our good fortune."
"Thank you, sir," you said, as this man was clearly your superior.
"Oh, there's no need for that. Not now anyways. But tell me, why are you here?"
"Umm..." Why were you here? You had forgotten all of the sudden. "Oh, right. I heard your distress signal, and I knew I had to help. I couldn't let people die when I could have done something." Not again, you added to yourself.
"I told you it was a good idea," said the woman, who had left the wounded man. "I'm Scribe Haylen. And you are..?"
"I'm Y/N," you said, extending your arm to shake her hand. She grabbed your hand and yanked down firmly.
"Good to meet to, Y/N," the man in power armor said. "I'm Paladin Danse, and we're with the Brotherhood of Steel. But you've probably guessed that already.
"Let's go into the station. We have a job, but we need extra hands... you might be who we're looking for," he explained. Haylen looked at him, confused by his sudden decision, but he nodded to her and she shrugged it off. "Come on, I'll get you fixed up," the Paladin added. "Haylen, tend to Rhys until he can walk himself into the station."
"Yes, sir," Haylen replied, and went back to the wounded soldier.
Danse pushed open the doors the the police station for you to step inside.

Afire Love- Paladin Danse x Reader (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now