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The vertibird touched down, and the girl jumped out, a pistol in her hand that wasn't even loaded.
In the dead of night, she trekked through the open field, keeping close watch behind her back. She couldn't be followed. If she was followed, it was all over. It would all end.
Her head whirled with thoughts. Everything was piecing itself together, but still made no sense. She went to safe spots in her head. The happy memories.
Her and Nate stood on the floor of the school gymnasium, a crown twinkling on her head. She held a bouquet in one hand, and Nate's hand in the other.
Then he was kneeling in front of her on a cold December night. The sky was illuminated with bright lights all around, and she remembered how cold her left hand was when she took off her glove.
Then she was in a room of white, a steady beeping in the background. There was silence for a moment, quickly replaced by quiet sobbing, and the horrible pain. The beeping sped up. But his steady pressure on her hand made everything okay.
Then she was staring at the night sky, shaking with fear, tear stained cheeks, and a voice echoing around her. Polaris.
The word spun around in her head until she was forced to look up at the night sky. The brightest star was still there, it the same place it had always been. My mom said it would take me north. It would take me home.
She looked back down, onto the path in front of her. She broke into a silent sprint.
I'm coming.

Afire Love- Paladin Danse x Reader (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now