show no mercy, part 2

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"Paladin..!" you cried out, stumbling toward the voice, into the dust. It got in your lungs, making it harder to breathe. You cupped your hand over your nose and mouth. "Paladin!" you called out again, stronger this time.
You made out a figure through the cloud, kneeled over, digging furiously through the rubble.
The figure turned to you, frozen. You saw his chest heave and jump up to get to you. You glimpsed the tears in his eyes, sparkling in the hazy light, before he held you in his strong arms.
"Oh my God, Y/N," he said slowly. His voice was crackly, either from pure emotion or the dust. Maybe both. "I thought that.."
"It's okay. It's okay now," you reassured him, playing with his short hair, twirling the strands around your fingers.
You both stood there like that for a while, watching the smoke clear, watching the sun rise.
"All right," he said after a while. "We should get going." He pointed up a road heading uphill, toward the main fort. You followed him, hiking up the hill, step by step. Soon you were at the top, in front of the base's entrance. Fort Strong, read a granite slab in front of the building.
"Ready?" he asked, turning to you. "There could be anything inside."
"I'm ready," you said, flipping the safety off your rifle.
You watched as the doors creaked open. They put you out on a room decorated with bags of gore and splattered with blood. You snuck behind Danse to another closed door and pressed your ear to it. You heard soft murmuring in the background. He copied you, careful to not make any noise.
"I am Super Mutant. I am death," you heard a mutant say.
"Yes, I know. I am stupid, not blind," another one said. Danse held up two fingers to you.
"Yes, but I am special!" the first one insisted.
The second one laughed. "Your head is hurt, brother. Brain is broken. You don't think right."
"You won't say that... when I am Overlord." You put your hand to your mouth to stifle a laugh.
"That day will never come. Fool Super Mutant."
You heard footsteps walking off, and you looked to him. He nodded at you and you readied your weapon.
Danse stood and raised his foot to slam down on the door. It gave no resistance and the wood splintered, making a terrible crackling sound. You aimed down your sight and shot the Super Mutant in the leg, knocking him over so the paladin could finish him off. He delivered a quick headshot, killing him instantly.
The second mutant came around the corner, screaming in rage. He held a nail board and was charging right at you. Pulling out your pistol, you shot him square in then chest, staggering him, and struck him down by hitting him with the butt of the gun.
Danse looked you over, making sure you were okay,and shouted, "Come on!"
You jogged through the corridors alongside him, shooting up the mutants as they came, working your way through the burnt out building. Stepping into an elevator, out of breath, you asked him why he was taking it so fast. 
"I... don't want you here. You should be back at the Prydwen. You almost died today. I want you to be safe. I want to get you back as soon as possible."
The elevator dinged, bringing you both back to attention. The doors slid open and you stepped out, weapon readied.
The room was dead silent. You crouched down and snuck through a hallway, Danse at your side. The hallway lead to a few separate rooms.
"Clear the rooms," you whispered to him. He nodded and went off to the one on the right, while yo took the one on the left.
There wasn't much in it, just a desk and an old cot. A door on the opposite side. You decided to slide it open.
On the other side, there was a huge chamber dug out into the ground. You spun around to go get the paladin, but he had already found you, and was waiting by the cot. You pointed through the doorway and started to move ahead. You barely heard the light footsteps behind you.
Moving deeper in, you found a staircase leading down to the main level. You were about to step down when you heard a whisper behind you. "Wait!" It said sharply. You turned back. Danse was pointing over a handrail at a mutant hound, making you stop in your tracks.
You peered around, looking for its master, but not finding him. You did see another hallway, though.
You pulled out a silenced rifle and aimed at the dog. A quick pop from the gun sent a bullet into its head. It fell limp. You continued down the steps, taking cover behind a large pipe, your eyes fixed on the corridor, watching, waiting.
After a few strenuous minutes, you gave up the surprise approach and pulled a grenade from your large pocket. You looked at Danse, who was nodding approval. You leaned around the corner of the pipe and pulled the key, throwing it straight ahead. It rolled down the hall, stopped in front of an open door, and blew.
The blast blotted out your vision with dark smoke. An angry shout from across the room was all you heard. Then there was a hissing sound, a small flash from the foggy screen.
"Get down!" Danse yelled as you dodged out of the way. The missile exploded behind you, and you looked around frantically for him. You saw his head poking out behind a large generator a few feet away. You breathed a sigh of relief.
Another hissing sound, another explosion. This one landed near the generator. Switching back to your pistol, you leaned out and saw that the smoke had cleared. In its place, a Super Mutant, armed with a missile launcher. You shot at it a few times, but he was wasn't phased. An energy rifle discharged, sending a fiery beam at the mutant's right arm. You did the same, targeting its clearly dominant side, and fired a few times. Suddenly his arm went limp; he dropped his weapon, leaving him vulnerable.
It didn't take long from there. A well placed shot to the chest, puncturing his lung, finished him off fast. He crumpled to the floor, sparkling with crimson.
You came back out from behind your cover, as did Danse, and you met in the middle.
"We did it," you cheered timidly, out of breath. He laughed and gave you a hug.
"Let's see what they've been sitting on top of."
You walked down the hall with him, around a corner, down some stairs. At the end was a huge storage room filled with fat man shells.
"There they are," he mumbled. "This'll keep us set for years. Are we ready to head back?"
"Sure. No point in sticking around, I guess," you shrugged.
You followed him back through the building and onto ground floor. You stepped into the warm afternoon sun alongside him and walked to the island's shore.
He pulled a flare out of nowhere and threw it on the ground. Red smoke rose from it, creating an auburn cloud that touched the sky. Moments later, a vertibird arrived to pick the both of you up.
"Afternoon, Paladin. Mission successful?" the pilot asked.
"Could've gone better," he informed him.
"Take us back to the Prydwen."

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