Chapter One

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Ryou stared in horror at the evil sinister eyes before him. The only sounds that could be heard was Ryou's own heart beat and the bone chilling laughter of pure insanity from the dark figure before him.

"Please! Don't cast me away! I promise to not interfere! Don't cast me out of my body!" Ryou shouted as tears began to stream down his face.

The only response was more laughter as Ryou saw the bright glow from the millennium ring. The light was so blinding that Ryou had to cover his eyes and Ryou cried out more as he knew this was it. Where Ryou was going only the Gods knew but he knew this would be the last time he would see home.

Ryou began to feel his soul being pulled. It felt so painful, like his flesh was being pulled from his body. His mind began to race a thousand miles an hour with thoughts, memories that weren't his, and emotions. Everything felt chaotic and twisted, having Ryou unsure what was happening as he screamed with distress, anger, and fear.

Even though the sensation was slow to start, it all suddenly disappeared. There was no more laughter, no more pain, no more feeling of anything- not even any emotions. Ryou felt dead. Not just physically dead, emotionally as well. Even as he opened his eyes, he saw nothing even though his vision was completely fine. He couldn't breathe even though his chest was moving up and down. He couldn't think even though his brain told his body to keep moving.

His body! He couldn't feel anything. He didn't feel like he had any weight. He couldn't feel anything at all.

However, none of this processed consciously to him. His feeling of existence was tired. With time no longer feeling to be a factor, Ryou closed his eyes, or his brain officially turned off, either way Ryou's transparent body collapsed on the undefined floor. His conscious or even subconscious knowing he was no longer in anything familiar. The purple swirling abyss surrounded everything for miles.

Ryou was now cast away. Banished to the shadow realm. With his other self in control of his body, there was no way for him to ever get back. His fate was sealed. Lost forever. Alone.

Ha! I tricked all of you! This is more of a prologue and not a chapter! Hehehe! I am so evil! Not really. Far from it actually. Anyways, how is it? Is everything good? Everything frosty? Anyone wanting to kill me because I am a Yu-Gi-Oh fan? Yes? Then come at me bro! It will be on like Donkey Kong! *bad martial art poses while screaming like I know what I am doing* Fear the master! 😂 ok ok. I am done being a cringe fest. Hope you enjoyed!

Book 1: Death Lullaby (Deathshipping)Where stories live. Discover now