Chapter Nine

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Melvin's POV

I stared in disbelief at the empty abyss before me. My hand was still extended out where Ryou once was. He was right there...right in front of me. If it wasn't for this damned place I would have been able to touch him. I would have been able to grab his hand before he disappeared from my sights. Now, all I could see for miles was the sickening and lonesome abyss or swirling purple.

"R- Ryou?" I called out. I knew he was gone but, deep down, I was trying to convince myself otherwise. I hoped that if I simply were to say his name that he would appear back and things would go back to normal. Yet, no matter how much I called out his name or screamed, he was gone.

I screamed out to the hell that imprisoned Ryou, making us unable to touch. I screamed out all the rage of current and old pain. Everything that has been built up and stored for the past years I allowed to be unleashed. I no longer cared. The one thing that made me happy was just taken from me and I damned the Gods for giving me a life that I wished I didn't have to live.

I slammed clenched fists to the undefined grounds and screamed even more. I wanted to make someone pay for my misfortunes, to suffer more than I was suffering. I wanted blood. I wanted blood to cover my face as I sliced someone's throat. I wanted the entire fucking world to burn and face the pits of the underworld.

No longer screaming, but wanting to, I grabbed the Millennium Rod and held it firmly in my hand. "No more waiting," I growled with a far more enraged tone that I have never used before. I felt like a wounded, cornered beast but I refused to stay in the corner any longer.

I activated the Millennium Rod and forced it to take me out of this place and back to my darkened soul room. The instant I was back in the real world, I felt my body begin to have more of a substance to it. I was still nothing more than a soul but I now knew that I could physically attack Marik's soul if I felt the desire. Lucky for him, he isn't my target. This time.

I looked around the black soul room and decided to have it lit. The room lit up suddenly, allowing me to see my home. Torture weapons and devices everywhere with dummies- misshapen by the numerous amounts of practice done to them- everywhere. Everything like I left it. I did, however, purposely avoid looking behind me, in the furthest corner of my soul room. The part of me even Ryou doesn't know about.

Ignoring the comforts of home, I walked to the giant door that lead to the void between Marik's soul room and mine. The door was closed and invisible to Marik's conscience, the way I have had it for years once Odeon gave Marik enough strength to push me away. I wanted everyone to believe I was away. Even now, I knew I had to wait to be able to get full control of Marik. It would be easier that way. Odeon was around, however, there must be something wrong because I could tell Marik was weakening.

"One moment. That's all I need," I mumbled to myself.

I waited for some time, slowly losing more and more control of myself as time went on, then I felt it. I felt Marik become completely vulnerable. Wanting to waste no time, I kicked open my soul room door and smiled evilly as I saw Marik's soul jump from within the void.

"Guess who's back?" I asked with a sinister hiss. I made my way over to Marik and grabbed his hair. He cried out in pain and it began to fill the empty void that once had Ryou's affection. I knew, no matter how many people I killed, nothing would hide the pain I was feeling but I simply didn't care. The world was cruel and everyone was going to die and be tortured one way or another.

"Get out of my head!" Marik shouted as he grabbed onto the hand I was holding his hair with. He tried to pull away but it made me only grip his hair harder.

"Not this time, pansy. It's time for the real evil to shine," I said. I began to give an evil cackle that revealed the levels of my anger as I pulled Marik over to his soul room and threw him in. I closed the door and forced it to stay shut, using Marik's weak will to my advantage. I continued to laugh as I took control over Marik's body- forcing his body to arch back as I laughed towards the heavens.

I took a deep satisfying breath as I calmed down and brought my head back forward. I looked around and took in my surroundings. I was on a blimp, surrounded by many unfamiliar faces besides two. I smiled at Ishizu as I took in her horrified face.

"What's wrong, sis?" I asked as I gave a psychotic smile. "Don't you want to give your brother a hug?" I asked while extending my arms out to the side. As expected, Ishizu didn't move or even utter a word. It made me shrug and move on to the other familiar face I saw.

Towards the center of the top of the blimp was a duel arena and it looks like I just missed a duel. Odion was on the ground, seeming to be unconscious. On the other side of the arena was another unconscious person with blonde hair, that had a few other people around him. One of them caught my eye in particular. He had the Millennium Puzzle around his neck.

So, this is the Pharaoh's body. Frankly, I expected him to be taller.

However, unlike the others, the holder of the Pharaoh didn't seem afraid or confused. He more or less looked upset. He took a step from his friend towards me and shouted, "You fix Joey right now, Marik!"

I gave a wholehearted laugh as I reached behind me, and pulled out the Millennium Rod from my back pocket. It made me finally notice the horrid outfit I was wearing. I made a note to myself to change the instant I had the chance.

"You small fool. I am not that pathetic of an excuse. My name is Melvin. I prefer to be called such," I said as I held out the Millennium Rod towards the Pharaoh's holder's body. "And, no one orders me around. I give you orders. Now, bring out the Pharaoh. I want to speak to my real opponent, not his pathetic counterpart."

"You'll have to get past me first," the man who was once unconscious said. It caused the Pharaoh's holder to turn around and stare in surprise. The man, Joey, tried to stand up but his other friends forced him to stay down.

"Well," I said, drawing the Pharaoh's holder's attention back to me. "You going to make your friend have to keep to his words or are you going to bring him out?" I asked.

The Pharaoh holder glared at me but he seemed to listen to me as I saw his appearance change. He got a bit taller, his hair changed a bit, and I got a complete different vibe the person I was now seeing.

"Aw, yes. Much better," I said.

"What do you want, Melvin?" the Pharaoh asked and I noticed even his voice was different. This was indeed the Pharaoh.

"Nothing much. Your Millennium Puzzle, the Egyptian god cards, and for everyone one of you to bleed out while I cut you, having you bleed out slowly. You know, nothing very big," I said then smirked. "However," I said, before anyone could say anything. I turned and began to walk towards the exit from the top of the blimp, "I want a change of clothes. Kill you all later."

So, I might redo this chapter but that's ok. For now, this is what it is. Hope you all enjoyed and like how I had Melvin react to the loss of Ryou.

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