Chapter Twelve

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Ryou's POV

"What the bloody hell are you doing?"

I woke up to the sound of the familiar voice and by the sudden pushing, causing my face to hit the ground. I groaned as I rubbed my face.

"You didn't have to push me. I would have gotten off if you'd have simply asked, other me." My head perked up when everything finally clicked. I quickly turned to see other me stand up and look at me with his arms crossed. I quickly tackled him in a hug, causing him to fall on his bottom. "You're ok!"

"Of course I'm bloody alright!" Other me growled as he began to struggle to get me off him. "Now get the bloody hell off me!" he demanded. He eventually pried me off him and stood up, dusting himself off.

"How? I thought the Millennium Ring was lost?" I asked.

"I don't have to deal with your sniveling little problems. Right now, you are going to your soul room."

"Now hold on! I have some questions if you don't mind," I said sternly.

"And I don't want to answer any of your bloody questions right now! I have enough on my plate as is-" I slapped other me really hard across the face. I was actually surprised I could lay a hand on him since I had been unable to lay a hand on Malik. Then again, I pulled other me's body out of his soul room. I was still just getting use to reality again, I guess.

Other me looked at me with surprise and I felt myself begin to slip. Tears started to well up in my eyes and my throat was getting tight.

"You have ruined my life! The least you could do is listen to my bloody questions!" I went to hit other me again but this time he grabbed my wrist. He was no longer surprised and he didn't even look angry. He just stayed emotionless.

I tried to pull away from his grip but there wasn't much effort or time spent on doing so. I ended up hitting on his chest as I began to cry and shout out my pain. Everything throughout the years were finally coming out and I couldn't stop.

"You always use my body for your sick and twisted games! You never even cared to listen to a bloody thing I had to say or any of my pleading! You tricked Yugi and the others, causing me to be more and more alone! You then sent me to that hellish place! Making me get attached to someone then you brought me back! You made me actually wish you were gone! That I never got that cursed ring! I went to your room, wanting to speak my mind! I then saw you lifeless! Making me realize that I can't lose you because you are a part of a life I can't imagine no longer having! I thought I had lost two of the most important people in my life! Then you wake up and treat me like I am a disgusting pile of rubbish when you were the one that brought me back! Why? Why did you bring me back?"

I stopped hitting him and my knees buckled causing me to lean into him. The only thing that was making me not hit the ground was his grasp on my arm. I continued to cry, even harder, into him. I felt so alone. I felt like a naked baby in the middle of the woods. I just wanted this torture to end. I wanted Malik to hold me. I wanted him to tell me everything was alright and that he will be with me. I just wanted to feel like my existence mattered for once in my life.

I suddenly felt arms wrap around me and it made me instantly stop crying. "Alright. Fine. I guess I deserve to answer some of your questions," Bakura grumbled. The hug was awkward but it still made me I couldn't believe it but I actually felt safe within his arms. I still couldn't stop wishing it was Malik, though, holding me.

"Bakura!~" a sing song voice suddenly cooed from the real world. It caused other me to growl. He forced me to stand up and then let go of me.

"Who is that?" I asked.

"First I have to deal with something. Go to your soul room," other me ordered.

"I promise I won't get in the way! I want to know what is going on. Please don't force me to go-"

"I will not tell you again," other me snapped. I sighed and walked into my soul room, closing the door behind me.

I wonder what has him acting so strange. Him shouting at me is normal, but he seemed a bit on edge. Like he was afraid. That can't be possible though. He has never been afraid before. Something really bad must be going on.

The worst part of being locked in a soul room is I can only hear other me's voice. I can't hear the voice who called out to him like when I was in the hallway between our soul rooms. The instant the door shuts it's like the outside world does not exist. It was something I grew use to due to being stuck in here most of my days.

I sat in my bed and hugged one of my pillows as I wondered what was to come in the outside world. I just hope other me isn't going to do anything too-

"Alright! Shut the bloody hell up, Marik!" I heard other me snap from the real world.

Marik. I wonder what this Marik person looks like. He seems to be working with other me, or, maybe other me made a friend. I highly doubted it but there was always the chance.

"M-" other me stopped. "Mar-" he stopped again. He seemed to keep being cut off, like this Marik guy doesn't want to stop talking.

"Alright! I get it! You saved me. Whatever. You had something else you wanted to talk to me about?" other me asked, seeming extremely annoyed but I noticed it was far different than when he was annoyed with me. It's like other me wasn't all that annoyed as he tried to sound. That can't be possible. I can't imagine him, of all people, to have an actual friend.

"Wait. He is coming here? How did he find out about the Millennium Ring?" other me asked. There was a brief pause before I heard him growl. "You are a blasted fool! You know that? Remind me next time, when you are in trouble to leave your pathetic ass."

Okay. I take it back. Other me is actually truly annoyed with this Marik fellow.

"No! I am not bringing Ryou into this!" other me suddenly snapped. It caught my attention and made me wish I knew what Marik was saying.

"Because this isn't his bus-" other me stopped and there was silence for a long while.

"Are you sure?" he eventually asked. After some time, I heard him grunt. "Fine. Then, we speak nothing of it." Another pause and I heard other me sigh, very heavily. "Marik, you know I have no interest in the looks of women. So, I won't be able to give you a decent answer about Teá's body." Yet again, another pause. "Marik. Shut your buggering face before I decide to punch you."

Now I am more confused than ever. His tone goes from an annoyed lax tone to a full on agitated annoyed tone. It makes me unable to figure out if this Marik is a friend or not to other me.

Either way, I felt a sudden change in other me's feelings. He seemed to now be more focused and a bit nervous.

"Did you truly think you would be able to just walk up in here and take my Millennium Ring?" Other me gave a sinister chuckle. "You are sadly mistaken."

This must be someone else. His tone is far more different than before. This must be the threat Marik was most likely asking help for. I wish I knew for sure. I felt so lost and unsure what to do or what to even think was going on.

"Don't call me that! As far as you are concerned my name is Bakura," other me snapped.

I still can't believe he uses my name. Makes me unsure if I should feel honored or disgusted. For right now, I feel a bit honored.

"You know the rules, Melvin. You wish to take my Millennium Ring then you will have to win it in a duel," other me said. "If you win, you get my Millennium Ring and, if I win, you give Marik back his body and you never show your bloody face again. Do we have a deal?"

What is he doing? If he loses this duel he will basically give up his life. Why would he risk so much? Who is this Marik guy to him? Asides from that, what does he mean giving Marik's body back? Who is this Melvin guy?

"Ugh! I hate being trapped in this blasted room!" I shouted within my soul room. I knew other me could hear me but, as always, he ignored me.

Instead, he chuckled before saying, "Lead the way. Let's see what fate has in store."

That doesn't sound good. What the hell is he getting himself into? I hope everything will turn out alright. I really hope nothing bad is about to happen.

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