Chapter Sixteen

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My favorite Deathshipping picture I have. So, I hope you all enjoy it to. This is going to be the final chapter of this book. More will be said at the end of the chapter, so stay tuned to find out more, especially about book two! I hope you all enjoy!

Ryou's POV

When the Shadow Realm disappeared, I felt myself get kicked out of being in control of my body and I was back in my Soul Room. I instantly felt better, causing me to instantly get out of the bed within my Soul Room and run to my closed door. I had to make sure other me was alright.

When I got to my door, I found that it was easy to open. However, something strange happened. Normally when I open my Soul Room door, I either take control of my body or I see other me standing there, in control of my body. This time, I found myself looking at my body in the real world. Other me was controlling it but we were indeed in the real world. Other me was unconscious on the blimp and I saw Marik unconscious a few feet away.

I looked at my body and saw that I was completely transparent. "Is this what I have heard Yugi talk about? How he sees the spirit of the puzzle outside of his mind but no one else can see him? I didn't even think I could do this." I looked at other me and over to Marik. "I wish I could do some-"

Other me's body suddenly began to move. His hand twitched then it gradually grew to him moving. It shocked me beyond all compare. I watched as he made his way to his hands and knees before I finally spoke up.

"Other me? Are you alright?" I asked but he never responded. I tried once again but no answer. He just looked over to Marik and he began to crawl over to Marik. I tried to call out to him one more time, still no response. I soon gave up and just watched as he made his way to Marik. Once he reached him, he slightly loomed over, seeming to just watch him for some time. Eventually he placed his forehead on Marik's back and then stayed there for some time. He said nothing, didn't even seem to be alive anymore as he stood there.

I sat down besides other me and just continued to watch, curious what other me was doing. It made me wish I could see his face but his hair was in his face the entire time he started to gain consciousness. After what felt like a half hour, I was about to see if I could reach out to other me but he suddenly began to move once again.

Other me lifted up his head from Marik and grabbed Marik's arm, putting it around his shoulder. He then situated himself and Marik to be able to bridal carry him. It was at this time that I finally saw other me's face. His face, and especially his eyes, were completely vacant. There seemed to be absolutely no life in his eyes. It looked like a ghost came into his body and was controlling his movements.

"Other me?" I questioned, but, again, no answer.

Could it be that Malik took over Bakura's body? Can he even do that? I don't really know how great a Millennium Item's power is. But, why would he rest his head upon Marik's back like he did?

Other me stood up, holding Marik bridal style, and began to walk towards the door leading to the inside of the blimp. I followed after him and saw that other me seemed to have a very specific goal in mind. It came real apparent when other me came to a door and lightly kicked it with his foot. A few moments passed and the door opened, revealing a very beautiful Egyptian woman.

She gasped when she saw Marik. "Marik! Oh my. What happened? How is he back to normal?" she asked, looking at other me.

"He needs to get out of here, now. Before Yugi and the others find him," other me said, sounding completely vacant in his words. Other me seemed like a complete robot and it was beginning to cause me to worry.

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