Chapter Eight

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Quick side note. Italicized speech is when they are the spirits. Like how Yami will appear beside Yugi and talk to him but no one else can hear him. That will be the case for Ryou and other characters in the future for this story. Anyways, enjoy! You will know what I am talking about when you read it.

Ryou's POV

I gasped in a lung full of air and spastically looked around. I was in a duel. More importantly, I was in the real world. The intense wind currents told me I was somewhere high. It was late because I could see the city lights below me. Below me? I'm in the air! I'm on a bloody blimp!

"Bakura!" I heard a familiar voice shout. I looked in front of me and saw Yugi, his physical appearance changed to look that of his Puzzle's spirit.

I tried to stand up but instantly dropped back down to my knees. I felt pain in my arm and frankly all over my body. I suddenly felt completely drained. I felt like I had fought a stampede of wild horses, and lost.

"Yugi? Where am I?" I winced in pain as I grabbed my arm. I looked at it and saw it was bandaged with blood showing through it. "What happened to my arm? Why am I in a duel?" I winced in pain again and ended up putting my hand down, with my bad arm, and screamed in pain. I felt completely battered and drained of all my energy and I wanted to vomit but I had nothing on my stomach.

"Bakura hold on I'm-" Yugi was interrupted by some random voice.

"Stop right there. Duelists are prohibited from any physical contact. You take one more step and you will be disqualified."

Yugi and other familiar voices began to shout and try to talk things over but the pain was so unbearable I couldn't focus. It has been so long since I had felt any sort of physical pain. I couldn't take it.

"Please..." I mumbled. "I need to lie down." Something shifted on my body and it grabbed my attention. I looked down and hanging from my neck was my Millennium Ring.

"Other me..." I mumbled. I felt myself slowly fading away. I was going to pass out.

"Don't you dare die on me. I still need you." The familiar voice of other me seemed to give me strength- at least enough to stay away- but it made me fearful at the same time.

"Then, please. I can't stay awake much longer. I won't be able to-" I felt myself slip away. I felt my body go limp. I didn't fully pass out but I was on the brink.

"I am sorry, Marik. I didn't bring him back to be your puppet. I can't allow to risk him. He's my vessel."

Marik? Who is that?

I suddenly felt that I was no longer in control of my body. With the little that I could see, I saw a familiar figure walk towards me but he looked transparent. He wore the same clothes as me. His hair was white. He had that evil smile that has scarred me for life.

I felt like I got picked up but I felt no real arms it was like a presence. I forced myself to try and focus my vision but it only focused when I felt my body get set down on a bed.

I was in my soul room. The place I had called home for so long before the spirit of the Millennium Ring banished me to the shadow realm.

"Pathetic," I heard other me say. He then turned away and walked out of my soul room. My vision began to fade quickly until everything went black. The last thing I remember was hearing other me shouting from the real world, "Hit me with everything you've got, Pharaoh!"

"Malik!" I shouted as I woke but I was not in the real world nor the shadow realm. I was in my soul room. I looked around and found I was completely alone.

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