Chapter 2

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(Two weeks later)

Lauren's POV

After that talk about adoption with my mom I spoke to Dinah about it when I got home she wasn't up for it but as soon as I said it was probably thei only way we will get a child she instantly agreed so we reached out to a social worker and she said she will help us and as soon as she finds a child we can meet them and see if they are the right child for us.

I was in the middle of talking to a few of the kids in my class about their weekend when the principle of the elementary school, Miss Morris interrupted me. "Miss Jauregui, we have a new student at the school who is going to be in your class, Her name is Lucia Vives" behind her was a little girl about 4 years old she was very shy I could tell because she was hiding behind the teacher's leg

I slowly approached her. "Hey Lucia, I am your new kindergarten teacher Miss Jauregui, how are you, sweetie" She slowly became more visible as she came out from behind Mis Morris' leg "I-i'm fine, erm can you call me Lucy please I don't like my full name" "Of course sweetie, well why don't you go sit over there next to Hailee" I told her while pointing to a table next to the window.


I got home from work and it is about half 5 which means I should probably start something for dinner, I walk into the house the house the first thing I notice is Dinah is nowhere to be found, as I walk up the stairs I hear faint noises of crying, as i nearer the nursery we had set up for the baby I was carrying, I walked in to the room to see her sat on the floor holding one of the stuffed aminals we had in the baby's crib "Baby what are you doing in here?" I ask her softly as I approached her cautiously. "I don't see w-why nothing e-ever goes r-right for me, f-first my so c-called parents k-kicked me out for b-being myself and then I c-can't have kids I d-don't get it"

"Baby that's why we are looking into adoption so we can have kids" "But why is it taking so long it has been two weeks", she said calming down slightly as I pulled her into my lap and stroked her hair. "I'm sure we will hear something soon babe" I reassured her, kissing her forehead.

(Next morning)

Dinah's POV

I wake up to the annoying noise of my ringtone, who ever is calling at 7 am better have a good reason for waking me up "Hello" I speak the person as I answer the phone, trying to to be moody.

"Hey Mrs. Jauregui-Hansen, it Demi Lovato the social worker you contacted two weeks ago, we have just had two kids come into the hospital and we need to know if you would like to meet them before we put them both in a group home". OMG

after replying to her and waking Lauren up we are rushing around trying to put clothes on and making our hair look like we had just got dragged through a bush backwards.

we turn up to the hospital and Lauren turns to me "This is is DJ, we are going to get a child, let's go".

we get out the car and meet Demi out side a hospital room "Hey guys so glad you could do this, so as I said on the phone, there are two little girls who are sister and cannot be separated I hope that is okay" she says, i look at Lauren and we both nod.

"Right before we go in you need to read their files," she says while handing in two small folders, we open the first one up to see the first little girl's picture.

"Right before we go in you need to read their files," she says while handing in two small folders, we open the first one up to see the first little girl's picture

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-Karla Camila Cabello (but cries if you call her Karla), born March 3rd, 2015, she is 2 years old born in Havana, Cuba. Her parent Sinuhe Cabello Estrabao Died just 2 minutes after giving birth to Karla and was put in the care of her father Alejandro Cabello but was taken into foster care when she turned one due to neglect and physical abuse, she was adopted along with her sister by a couple called Martha and Kyle Roberts but didn't last long with them as Mr Roberts murdered his wife and almost killed Karla and her sister but a neighbour heard both girls crying and called the police, 4 months ago the girls were placed with a foster family but was brought in to the hospital due to a fire the couple set in the house in order to kill both girls because of their 'crying'.

-Karla is a very bubbly girl and has a nice personality she can only say a few words and has only just started to walk because of the neglect no one taught her and she is not potty trained also because of the neglect, she still uses baby bottle on only eats a few solid foods

-her favourite food is bananas but she is allergic to peanuts and water melon

wow that girl has been through a lot for only two years old, as we have finished her file we move on to the other girl's file

-Allyson Brooke Hernandez born 7th July 2011, she is 5 years old, Allyson was a premature baby born six weeks early weighing only 1 pound 14 ounces, she was born in San Antonia Texas, To parents, Patricia and Jerry Hernandez but was adopted Sinuhe...

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-Allyson Brooke Hernandez born 7th July 2011, she is 5 years old, Allyson was a premature baby born six weeks early weighing only 1 pound 14 ounces, she was born in San Antonia Texas, To parents, Patricia and Jerry Hernandez but was adopted Sinuhe Cabello Estrabao and Alejandro Cabello at when she was new born in result of Patricia passing away due to labour and her father abandoning her and singing away his parental rights, The trio moved to Havana Cuba when she was one and stayed there till she was five when her little sister Karla arrived, the two kids were relocated to Miami, Florida when their mother died, and stayed in the care of their father Alejandro Cabello (it is basically going to say the same thing as camilas file) but was taken into foster care when she turned one due to neglect and physical abuse, she was adopted along with her sister by a couple called Martha and Kyle Roberts but didn't last long with them as Mr Roberts murdered his wife and almost killed Karla and her sister but a neighbour heard both girls crying and called the police, 4 months ago the girls were placed with a foster family but was brought in to the hospital due to a fire the couple set in the house in order to kill both girls because of their 'crying'.

-Allyson can sometimes be a happy girl, but most of the time she can be depressed because of past experiences and doesn't let anybody near her little sister, she has night mares and can sometimes have panic attacks

-she is allergic to peanuts and strawberries.

Omg, these girls have been through a lot in their very short lives "omg how can people treat children like that" I looked at Lauren to see a few tears falling down her face " it's going to be okay lolo, let's go in". we walked in to see a little girl who we now know as Allyson sat on the floor of the hospital room.

She looked up at us and a flash a fear crossed her face before she quickly masked it, "Hey Allyson, can we talk to you for a bit" Lauren asked her while we approached her. "It's Ally," she said in a small voice while nodding.

We sat down and talked to her for about 30 minutes before me and Lauren looked at each other and nodded we knew this little girl was perfect for us she I slowly turned back to Ally and asked her "Hey Ally can we maybe adopt you"

She looked shocked as we asked her that "but what about c-cami" she asked us, "sweetie we are adopting her two we just wanted to know if you would allow us to adopt you" Lauren said while smiling at the little girl in front of us

Ally slowly nodded while saying "But you can't hurt cami because she's all I have left" "Of course sweetie we would never lay a finger on you two" I promised her.


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thank you

Georgia xxx

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