Chapter 1: prison visit

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I was outside lost in my own thoughts when i heard a faint cry it wasnt a human cry it was like a newborn puppy cry.(if you haven't hear that sound befor search it up its adorable) The sound was coming from the woods and you felt so strongly that you needed to go there.I sprinted into the woods and under a tree was a abandon newborn wolf puppy with a dead mother wolf a few feet away. "y/n you should just leave it maby someone will come back for it" "whos talking im alone" I thought "y/n wake up"

"What the hell"you said as you sat up right in you bed. Oh it was a dream but it felt so real "Y/n get your ass down here now" my father yelled up the stairs "ugh great I forgot my dad wants me to go with him to the prison today" you thought. Your dad was the head prison guard and was friend with cops... well crooked cops so he was somewhat invincible. "I have period cramps" you yelled downstairs you didnt love your dad hell you didnt even like him, he treated you like crap and didnt care about you he only wanted you to come so you could watch one of the prisoners and he could go out. "You used that exscuse last week"he yelled back "crap"I mutterd "still watching dangerous criminals is better than sitting at home doing nothing" (there was only two more weeks of summer and it was monday). I put on some jeans , a t-shirt with some sarcastic wrighting on it and put a black jacket on over it and unsiped it down the middle. I put my shoes on and put my hair into a ponytail. I grabed my phone and my ear buds and walked down stairs.

"You should put more effert into your appearance" my father said "Right cause if I'm surrounded by murders and rapest, I really do want to look my best" I said sarcasticly. We walked into the car and I put in my ear buds so we didnt have to talk. The prison was the same it smelled like vomit and blood, prisoners were screaming,crying laughing crazily, or just silent. The silent ones scared me the most I didnt know what they were thinking. You keept walking past the prisoners following your dad. Eventually we get to a diffrent area of the prison like were the really dangerous people go. Suddenly he stopped and said"This is my post today and by MY I mean YOURS, so watch him" he was about to turn around and leave when I spoke up " You can't leave me alone with criminals" "Your 18 now its not pedophilia anymore so i can let them look at you how ever they want and won't look like a bad dad." " But da-" "but nothing you can spend your day watching the prisoners or in the cells with them" He turned around and walked away probaly to go out drinking or something. I let out a sigh and sit on a bench facing the cell infront of me I could see a person in the back of the cell. Well he might be lonely or bored in his cell all day maby I should talk to him.I walked up and took the case file out of the draw next to the bench. Wow he was a murder. Well hes still behind bars I might as well talk to him"Hi my names y/n" "Do you have to talk" he snaped "well exscuse me for trying to be nice, you can stay in that cell for all I care."I said in a jokeing tone. "You read my case file I could kill you if these bars were not in the way arn't you scared of me"? He asked in a confused tone " I dont fear death if i'm ment to die im ment to die." "Oh really" he steped into the light he had dark hair ,pale skin, black circles under his eyes, and a smile cut into his cheeks. "Y/n you said it was, i'm Jeff and you intreage me" All I saw was pale skin black hair and a smile carved into his cheeks.

Hello people of wattpad ,that was my first chapter of the book more are on the way and my father isnt anything like that in real life and sorry if yours isnt like that eaither but I had to make him a asshole to fit in the story. Thats all for now please feel free to coment any spelling errors so I can fix them.

(Jeff the killer x Reader)Im in love with a killerWhere stories live. Discover now