Chapter 2: A fictional character

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"Oh my god hes crazy" I thought "Did you do that to you yourself cause of you did then you should be in the insane asylum not the prison" "What" " You must ne a fan of the joker" I said "No I'm jeff the killer like the creepypasta" "Creepypastas arn't real there fictionl character made up to scare people" I stated. "If your truly Jeff the killer prove it" "fine" he took a knife out of his pocket and threw it at the wall right next to my head. "H-how did you get this knife" I was compleatly shocked, how could anyone miss something as important as dissarmping a serial killer.He pulled up one of his sleeves to reveal the creepypasta symbol on his wrist. "All creepypastas have this on their wrist it helps others know who is a creepypastas and whos not also it  discises us from everyone else."

"So why can I see your true form" why am i so calm hes a fucking serial killer, my intents have never lead me wrong befor so I guess I should trust them. "To be honest Im not really sure, I can let people see my true form if I want but I didnt do that this time I'll have to ask slendy when he picks me up." "Wait are all of you real and what do you mean pick up" "well yes to the first question, and the second one did you really think I would stay here for long when I have supernatural friends" "oh so when you get out are you going to kill me" "No" he almost answerd instantly no hesitation. "Wait why aren't you a killer?" I asked "You meet a serial killer and ask him why he doesnt kill you, your a really strange girl" Just then a guard came with a tray of nasty looking food, if you can call it that. "Eat up bitch" the guard said. I looked at the guard knowingly I knew when Jeff got out he would kill him. "Do you want to eat that?" "No" he answers "Do you have any allergys"I asked "nope" he responded "All right i'll be right back."

I walked up to the vending machine and got two bags of chips and two snickers and two waters. I handed him one of each. "Why are you being so nice to me"he asked very confused. " well I cant stand small spaces so if I was in there I would want someone to be nice to me" also im very curious about you soooo.

(Jeffs pov)

Why is she so nice to a killer. Shes really pretty too wait no stop thinking shit like that! I took a bite of the snickers it was good. I looked up and y/n she was happly eating her chips and looking at her phone. How is she this calm with me why wasnt she scared of me and why was I happy about that. No Im a SERIAL KILLER. This cant be happing I have to say something but what ummm "I know you have questions, so you can ask them if you want" I said calmly  "Are all the stories true, and if so why arent you guys on the wanted list or something, how does that mark on your wrist work, and are you really crazy?" Well she deffently had questions. "I'll explain as best as I can first, yes well most of the stories happednd like the oragians did and most of the killing the ones and the  girl versions of us are not real like laughing Jill and Nina the killer, Jane the killer is real but she doesnt like me that much also clockwork is real but she doesnt like anyone and hoodi and masky are strait, basicly anyone that has a romantic invovment with another creepypasta isn't real. That being said when we kill someone they disappear and everyone forgets about them exsept the killer and otger creepypastas , If the creepypasta killsba lot of people and or there whole family who remberd them (like me), then the creepypasta will becomes forgotten too and become like a fictional charater. The creepypasta mark makes us look normal to most people It usally doen't change are clothes tho" "Ok I got that so you have the creepypasta mark so you can blend in with people and its magic?" She asked "yes" I said "As for the last question the anwser yes not all the time but I can snap" I anwsed honestly maby now she will be scared of me why did that make me so sad. "Can you see your self in the mirror or will you see you discise?" "Everyone can see anyones discise in mirros" I told her wow she is really interested in me but Im more curious about her why dosent she just kill her father he treats her awful.

Y/N pov

"Y/n its time to go home, oh but dont worry you will have plenty of time to  make friends with criminals tomorrow cause your coming here for the rest of the week, now pack your bags and lets go" my dad said in a drunk tone. He honestly was easier to deal with when he was drunk so it was fine. "Bye Jeff I'll see you tomorrow" "bye y/n" he said in a sadly .I took the keys out of my dads drunk hands and drove us home.

Hello readers of wattpad that was chapter two I know I probaly made a lot of spelling errors so if you notice them tell me so I can fix them.

(Jeff the killer x Reader)Im in love with a killerWhere stories live. Discover now