chapter 6 dream

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I woke up at the kitchen table to the smell of bacon and eggs. My mother was cooking. She placed a plate in front of me and smiled brightly. She looked like me but older with some minor differences. "Mom but y-you died" I wisperd. She leand in and said "Trust the bad ones who are good, but never put your faith in fake good people. My darling I wish I could see you again but I have to make do with what I can. I'll see you again when its your time." "No mom don't go" I pleaded "Trust your instincts" she said as she walked away from me and closed her eyes. Suddenly a knife stabed throw my mothers chest coming from her back. And the same knife keeped repeatly. Untill finaly she looked at me and wisperd " At least I can see you in your dream my darling. Goodbye for now" "NO mom don't go"I desperately yelled. she disoved into White dust an blew away. Reveling a man with a bloody knife looking at me. I walked towards him too calmly like I snapped. I graped a near by kitchen knife and stabed him with a blank expression repeatly. splatering blood all over my face and hands and every where. When I realized what I did the man was reveled to be my father. The whole room turned from red to black but I was not scared I was smiling. And I said "I told you you would get what you deserve karmas is a bitch" I said calmy.

I woke up with a with a gasp. I was confused for a few seconds untill I relized it was a dream. I saw that Jeff was sleeping with his arm around me. He was wering a eye mask that said Fuck off. It matched him perfectly. He really was handsome. I couldn't belive  I had a dream like that and why now?I tried to get out of bed but jeff woke up. "Y/N where are you going" he asked sleepily. "To the bathroom" I responded. He just went back to sleep. After I came back I got back into bed. Jeff rolled over to face me. "Want to come to the mansion today "he asked "sure, its really fun over there and everyones really nice "I said. We got both got ready.

Jeff went out threw the window and I creeped down stairs. I saw my dad sleeping on the couch. I could kill him he would die and I wouldn't have to deal with him anymore. I grabed a knife from the counter and rasied it up high above my head looking down at my father. I was just about to stap when my phone buzzed. My dad was waking up so I quickly hid the knife behind my back. "What the fuck are you doing watching me sleep slut." I bit my lip insted of saying what I was thinking. I didnt feel like getting beat up and Jeff was waiting for me outside. "I'm going to a friends house so I was debating whether to wake you up and tell you or not" I lied "The fuck do I care you can stay there if you want. It would be one less problem for me"He snapped. I balled my hands into fists and walked out the back door. Jeff was wating by a tree and he smiled (more then the cuts on his face) and waved. I walked over and checked my phone it was Aaron who texted me. It read "u ready  for school next Monday. Im not but it will be fun cause your there" I cringed a little at the thought that he definitely liked me and he would not take a hint even when I flat out told him no! "No summers toooooo short! Lol" I texted him back. When I reached Jeff he asked who I was texting "Aaron just a friend" I said "Is that a boy or a girl?" He asked quitely "A boy but we grew up together and hes like a brother to me." I sighed " I wish he saw me as a sister and not a crush" I mumbled. He frowned and looked very pissed off. We finaly arrived at the mansion and the first one to greet us was slendy. "Hello children I have been exspeteing you two"he said."Hi slendy" we said. Slenderman turned to Jeff qnd asked"You seem angry qhy is that Jeffrey?" Jeff looked at slendy like you know exactly why. Jeff was mad that I was texting Aaron does that mean he likes me or is he just possessive of his friends? Smile dog came running down the steps to greet us. He was very cute and acted like a puppy.

We went into the living room where Ben was. Ben was playing a game. When we walked in the room he turned around said hello. "Y/N I could use your help with this level" he said "All right" I was about to move when Jeff said "Sorry ben but we were going to go out" "Can I come its so boring here"he asked "No" Jeff said. "Are you two dateing?" Jeff paused for a second. " well no but you cant come" he said firmly.  Ben just rolled his eyes and turned to me " Can we play later?"he asked "Sure I promise" I said. Ben nodded and turned back to his game. We walked away and I turnd around to ask"Jeff were are we going to go" " I honestly have know idea" he wisperd. Slendy told me he and Clockwork wanted to talk to me and lead me to the dinning room. Jeff said he was going to get changed into something. "What did you want ro talk about?" I asked "Y/N I know what happend last night I can see everything and I know it wasn't the first time it happend tell me why do you let your father hurt you like that?" "Well when ever I try to stand up for myself he makes me feel weak again so Im just going to let karma get him now I guess." "Y/N my father used to abuse me too and I killed him it felt amazing I know you have thought about it why don't you just kill him?"Clockwork asked "I don't know I guess because it would ruin my life and I'd be in jail forever"I said "It's ok to be scared chiled but no mortal can find this place unless we want them too so if you do kill him one day we can make you into a creepypasta so no one will rember him exsept other creepypastas that way you can still do normal stuff too" "You can do that?" I asked shocked. "Yes you don't need to make your decision right now but think about it" Jeff walked in. He was wering a white hoodie and black pants. But his hoodie wasnt bloody it was clean. "You ready to go Y/N?" "Yeah" we walked and then I asked "where are we going?" "I have know idea" he said.

Hello people of wattpad Ok so that was chapter 6. If there is any spelling errors please tell me so I can fix them. Bye

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