chapter 15:Im too lazy to think of a title

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After breakfast Jeff agrees to take me back home to get clothes and other stuff I will need like that. Standing outside the door of my childhood home was strange. The door that I saw everyday seemed diffrent somehow. In fact everything about the house was like that, it wasn't in a bad way but more like a reset. Almost as if everything bad that happend in that house no longer exsisted. I know it did but I guess since slenderman made me a creepypasta everyone thinks what happned was fictional. Thats probably why the cops never showed up. I step inside and there was a faint dry blood stain on the floor but the body was gone. "Jeff where did the body go?" I asked "Oh it disappeared since you a creepypasta now your fiction which means everyone kill people forget about" he said "So they just fade away" I stare at the blood stain for a moment and then head upstairs to my room. Everything was exsacly how I left it. I open my closet and start suffing clothes into my bag.

Finaly done, this house won't fade away so I can always come back here if I need to. I walk back down stairs to find jeff looking at the photos on the walls. "Hey Y/N ready to go?"He asked "Oh yeah I think" I say. He pulls me into an embrace. "Jeff whats wrong?" "Its just I'm so happy your here with me and I want you to know that" This is so unlike him. I rember him looking at the pictures of my family and me. Maby he rembers his family. Maby he is worried about how Im feeling. I think it a little bit of both. I hug him back and whisper "What to get ice cream?" His face lights up when I say that. "Yep oh  we are going to go out in public I should teach you how to activate your disqise." He said "Okay so just touch your arm and say 'disqise' " He said as he did it to him self. "If your storie involved your appearance ulterting it will make you look how you used to look. I do it so I won't draw attention to myself with my beauty" Jeff said " You don't have to do it but if you want to you can it also makes you harder to notice" Well if everyone forgot who I am then I don't see the harm in not activating it. We walk to the ice cream shop holding hands and talking. He gets mint chocolat chip and I get (favriot ice cream flavor).

We go to target and pretend to break uo to see peoples reactions. We also dare each other to clime to the top of selves. I got a big pink ball and start bouncing it around the toy section. Eventually  we get kicked out if the store. Im so happy people wont rember us, they will forget about us in like three hours. And the store will go back to normal with no damaged objects in two. So after we get kicked out of target we go to walmart and do the same thing. Its feels so great to be free from rules to be able to just have fun. We keep doing stuff like this untill we realise its night. It starts to rain.  "We should probaly head back home"I say. Jeff smiles and noddes. "Wimper" I stop dead in my tracks that sounds like a puppy. I turn my head to the ally way beside me. "Jeff I think theres a puppy in the ally" I say. "What really?" I grab his hand and walk slowly into the dark ally. "Wimper" Its comeing from this box. Carefully I open the box to to find a little puppy. ( sorry if you don't like dogs) The pup looked up at me and winperd again. "Oh poor thing" I carefuly pick the puppy up. Oh its a girl. The puppy was very dirty and skinny. She looked no older than foir weeks old and was deffently not old enough to be with out the mother. I carry her in my arms "Wow there really was a puppy" Jeff said. "Yeah lets get her home" I say. When we get back to the mansion mostly everyone is asleep. We take the puppy to my bedroom and exsamn her for any broken bones, ticks or anything eles that could be wrong with her. She was in pefact heath exsept for her weight, and the fact she was dirty.

Jeff went out to get baby wipes and puppy food. When he returns I wet the puppy food with water and wipe her with baby wipes. When were finaly done all three of us are exsoted. Me and jeff sleep in my bed with the puppy in the middle. "So what are you going to name her?" I yawn "Oh we'll just call her Rain." We found her in the rain and Im to tired to think of another name right now. All of us go to sleep in the warm bed.


Hello people of wattpad no time to say anything Im going to bed

(Jeff the killer x Reader)Im in love with a killerWhere stories live. Discover now