28 - The Hangover

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Sona's POV

Slowly and reluctantly, I uncovered my face from the heavy duvet. I blinked my eyes repeatedly and absorbed the unfamiliar surroundings. Streaks of sunlight penetrated the window and blinded my eyes. I sat up, dragged my feet off the bed and rubbed my knuckles on my eyes. I stretched my arms above my head and yawned lazily. My eyes slowly took in the surroundings and I immediately panicked.

This wasn't my room. It was a place I haven't seen before. Shit!! What happened? I didn't know what was happening. The last thing I remembered was the argument with Diya at the charity event! Crap!!! I knew that I drank alcohol last night. But what happened after that? I was clueless as I looked down at myself and gasped in horror.

I was sleeping with just a bathrobe and inner garments. God.. this was getting scarier than I expected. I looked around to find my clothes or phone but they were not there. I quickly rushed to the washroom in the side and found my clothes there. Did I change the clothes by myself or..... Gosh no!

I took a quick shower and wore my clothes in a haste. I was terrified to even open the door. Where the hell is this place? Was I kidnapped? What happened when I was drunk? Hopefully no one took advantage of my state. My head pounded with every step I took. I quickly rushed out of the room and came to the living area. However, the sight I saw there caused relief to wash over me.

Dev was standing in the kitchen with a coffee mug. The panic, fear and confusion left my mind the minute I saw Dev. He was my saviour. The trust I had on Dev was beyond everything I lived for in life.

I ran towards him and asked him all the questions that flooded my mind.

"Dev, where is this place? What happened last night? Dev!!! Who brought me here...this is not your house right? What did you tell my parents? Oh my god! Did you tell them? They should be so worried....." I kept blabbering until he closed my mouth with his palms.

"Stop it! Your parents are thinking that you're at Pooja's place! Now get ready! We are leaving." he said and he walked past me.

Dev's POV

I was frustrated. Sexually frustrated!! Too frustrated that I had more than one cold shower last night. When the frustration builds up, I think I might explode on anything around me. I took a deep breath. I wanted to shout, have a tantrum and beat my hands on the ground like a toddler. I wanted to vent and let it out. But I don't want to say words that I don't mean. Words that would be hurtful to others.

It's just so easy to be cruel in that moment but when then the damage is done, it was done! So many times, I have wanted to unsay things and take it back. But it was too late.

However now, I'm learning how to deal with this emotion. Slowly Dev.

Sona's last night's conversation was still running in my head. They say that people who are drunk will speak the truth. Does that mean someone forced her to leave me? Damn! Now I wanted to know her past so badly....But I was the one who promised her that I won't ask her. Now what shall I do?

I knew that I wouldn't be able to fully move on until she confesses. Should I just go and ask her?

Maybe I should get her drunk again... Oh god no! I wouldn't be able to handle that Sonakshi anymore... but... Maybe after marriage?? Yeap that should work!

Too many things were running on my mind when I heard some noise coming out from the room. Guess she was awake.

After a while I saw her coming out of the room, fully changed in her clothes that she wore yesterday. Her face looked pale and frightened. Once she saw me, she sighed in relief. I loved the relieved look on her face as it showed me how much she trusted me. Thank god, I kept my distance from her last night and saved her trust.

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